Jcur, 3 :
maxims moat indiax writers. 201 &, M nhabharnta, *ii. S&&, Q& 1 , UIl d ■win>j all Mi mo*," (- O . VI.. I0rj How rasl my wealth, what joy T taste, Who nothing own, an ' ■ «l«rinj1 wmpl in The fl ,oods of nunc would waste. ft Mah/ibharata, si. /■'». '* Fbr tp* brought no* «-■>' " (I Tiirju^iv, vi, 7.) Weal tl» either Inarm a man, O ting f be a man lii* wealth in Wlml sage fur i is III grieve, Which time at lengih mnsl surely bring 9 l.hifntu, xi. 75. Tl' jMlahdUtanttM' •rirv content, Tlmngb proudly swell* their tidfi, huiinb 1 linking men are ne'er content : But wise men Boon arc satisfied. -, Vriddka Chanakya, *iv. fl- 2/m (AiruM thin'. Did mi'n bnt always entertain Those graver Uioughtu which away tfcfl hnart, When sickness oamm, fir friend* depart, Who Would not tbi-n ! on gainP 9. MaMtMxtitk BE. 17401 " 4fl m*n rAinl rtfi men •■<-»." (Young's I la not those men's dnlnsion atnr Who, while they wo that every So tiHinr sweep* from onifa Away, Can long themielriM t" uludo all change ? 1 0. f hmpat i&i ksha . 26 : Pnufaiul I am- ratna- , 15, |p .'</ M.W. ttnJ dmnh t That man if blind wIkmo in tier eye in world descry; Anil deaf the won on fully bi 1 't3 whom advice is vainly spent. The dumb are Ihoue who never seek To others gracious wo i A. VriddlittCUHnakj-tt. *vii, i". ; Siihlvlflhitnrnava, ,tf, n cl< i •"•' wA-ea iw ditirui. In trouble mkc; When »iek, si] i ke j When lacking power to *in, aro good; iilhhiid. 12, 6 fa ngftdham'tt Puddliati, Dharmavivriti, ■i. Improvumeni. - The saga allow ft day l'ntni i a pass away; Hot waking up. will often aal "Hon I this day ftriftUcd my task? With flu. -ettingBBn, A part of my brief eounu ts ran." 13. Mann, ii. 2i»9. *4 mm* may leant /rom //<<■ ftirml From whomsoever gou tho wiw Aooci pearl ttmj prize. To tlu'fii iliu uiuan may knairlndgu ten The IottIi': Riitih mi»n wfil m l 'h&eora A lu bly Iwra. Wbuu [.uiilitrht fails, and all in glnom T A lamp will well tin* koufln illnme, . BhAgnvni optr u He only does not live in mm Who nil tho means within has rcoch En i ploys, his wealth, his tliought, his speech T adrance tho weal of of her men. / Ihvir "(; ' Aft cloth by any dye lu v. rag iiiuir plunged mny lie | - itU whom Iw loves to UfO T'j u very man his colour giro. 16. Hitopudoii, iv. C<itliut? pimrls before turin*. lb.' only threshes chaQ* who acbooli With patifnt kimlnewt thonghtJeAA foftla, U»» writes on ehlfting aaml Bv firtronii wu.rlhltnu. men would gain. 17. Subbaauitariiavu, 64. if. <>* often spendthrift*. How many foolish huirH make Ir l'ii o wealth thefa IhlAersavpd, town Who dou« not iruurd with cure the < He long has toiled to hoard hirnso If 'i 18. Maha bhArata, x ii. 121*1. Th I rich hath manj/fri A rich tnon'H ktaftlblk thrives The part of kinsmen gladly plav : The pivir man's Lindnnl «iir away g e'et bu dsa of death arrivee.