[Jrr.T. 1875 These secret things those saints descry Alone whoso sinless life austere For them ImG earned an insight clow. To which all mysteries open lie.
- t thy doubts like vapours flee.
Abandon impious unbelief: And ivi not flooontcftt end - Disturb thy soul's serum. But study God aright to know, Tliat highest Lord of all revere, Whose grace on thoso who love him bore Will endless future Wis* bestow. Dmupadi rtfain* ; I loir could I Clod, this Lord of nil. Contemn, or dare his actus arraign, Although I weakly tJnttt eomplniu ? Xer would I virtue boultaj call/ T idlj talk ■ my better mind T* overeouiu distress WLich long whall yat my hwui oppress;— So judge mn rightly ; thou itrL kind. ft. Xtusbadha Cburita, xviii. 4fi, Whither the, d/tctrine tf future rclrtiiiiiiau ha tru«, The scripture says, the bud begin. When df tu I , v, 1 1 ! i woo to pay for sin ( While bliss awaits — a happier birth— The good whene'er they quit the earth, licit now, wu 84M.', tho had are hhwt. And righteous man on wirlh di>i How tlwin, tl)i«s doubtful case decide P Tell what is urged on ekhur Did God oxisi ml, kind, And never speak hi. will in vain, 'T would cool Lim hut a word, And tiffin His suppliants all they wish would find. • i to m«n allotted woe,
- ffigb dial • fruit musr bo
I own actions, then wei*e ho "■til a cause hi* creatures' foe,— Men' cruel, tints, limn men. who ne'er To others causeless mal ice bear- In this oor state of buuuui birth Una's jselfand Brahma ec-erist,— As wis* Vcdnntint* nil insist, — - lint when thi* wretched life un earth Shall enfl lad all redemption g i Then Brahma shall alone remain, A clever doctrine horn wo - 1 Our highest good to cense to be J 4. Vishnu Parana, fa U, H If, Th* I "J" Jh<f< How many kings — their litLlo day by — bavn passed away. While jet the htablu Earth abides, And all the projects rain derides Of men who deemed Mint Sin- ft The des lined |iorliuu of tlieir llftil With bright autumnal colours gny, She seems to sinilo from ago to age. Ami EDOefc the fretting kings who wage l-'ii' ',vu.r fur Her, — fur ampler sway. "Though doomed," she cries, "t.* disappear 00 HOQ, like foam that cresta the wave, Vast schemes they cbfirish, madly bravo, Nnr huv r i i ri t- death is lurking near. 14 And kinsmen, brother*! sons mid sires, figfa love of empire final, Tho helical bauds of nature rend, — In bloody strife for Mo contend. " O! how Qua prLuees, well u 1 1 >w all their fulhurs, one by one, left Mb here behind, nnd g I-Vr My po&Muuiinn greatly en King Prithn strode across tljo world, And nil his foes tu earth ho hurled . Beneath his chariot wheels — u prey For dog* and roituc -hi- J they lay. >uatchcd by Tune a resistless blast, J Ed lung from bonce away has passed t Like down tho engfrig itumaa cim*i, He, too lias met tl Ortavzrj Who ruled o'er all the isles, supreme. Is but n shadow now, a theme On which logicians subtly prate. Those lords of men, whose empire's sheen Of yore the regions all illumed, !'.. Doaih'l defraying frown eousu- Are gone: no ashes cVo are i ■ was worhbrnnow What Tortus his substance now r* ft Iftlc ! W bo, hewring lids, n' wise, am fk»3 Tliis mundane life to scorn, so frail. So dream 1 1 j t . u t, worlldess found f Of all bite long and bright array Of kings whose names tra> I i ' > i I Bath any over bVod : Who knows ? And now where are they f None can say.