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NAT] 3THMS IN THE GOPAVAItt DlfiTE Itt GokuL in Ruuluatan proper. From hence he was* a anted by Krwhiui, and ia now ^opposed to in t bo island of Rarnnak, near the shrine i>f Sotnhnndh RAnipevrvrn. {'i) Kb nj n ii lmi, who i lipped u" Bfaaj it. is sou] .--' g of BuieM harassed by DuityuM und ItiUaduiKafi, uud puii- i hrt Wnanki, who ordered his hi' BttOJ&OgO to go to '■■■ ' D00. Khctjfthgn went, and, utTcoling their liberation, tit limit en- treaties took up hi 3 resiili«neo in Bhuj, so named after lutn. Ho it popularly railed tha Rhnj'o. r f.inion". 1 1 1 1 . : ifl Dh ri m r a fc fl ll, worshipped as* the Khambl n I [| 1 N 3 gn, iat h evil of Kb Vmbhd A under DhrAnsjudhrA. (7) Another Niga nhrino in Kit] ia that of Prut ik at TabunA in JhAliiwnr T and another (-9) h ilmi ef l> e r si n i k h ft r m A 1 i o in the village, of Tin- |]l] Ufuhr- (0) i -Iku, if said to beat inrptira, in tho Duklian. (10) T a k u li 4 k reside* in Knrnt 11) Airiivat to 1 > h H t a r a a h t r a in tint Jh-khaq, de, dc k will by hucu from tho above legend how intimately tho old tree and minke worship are oonut have been an in GnjnrAu and to Hhippod the Elephant, Cobra, Tigur, Monkey Tree* ; fin, In immigrant-* bftVO probably derived fryui U ineaa, Hauiunan, WAghasvari, 3" I the |q dm the descendant- I Linda immigrant* lit. mnTSS^pa vrhnm they had iuteruinrrio-J wtfcll the Cobra* I itally the lugeudt) of ■ up. Em dewing thi» J may mention that tho moat famous* inako-ftlirii 1 ; not iulii'Im, •■ lDhurtiidharaor-i. 1 of Dh« ui 1*1, a few . u,.i' n,ar..j, in tforih G Thin khritio ia riaited by pilgrini.« From all pork* oi* a weft-oxeooted imagi cobra in the temple of the lib'" Dharttidhn ik I, and itumacrip rough ; 1 it. There It alw* an inscription relating to the ChubAuu or W.'iv- Thur.'id in another temp la (tho large onni original [IheinnAg occupying an in)Ui*niticant I i ct Ir- ahriiir* some little distance from the largtir temple* Carvin^sof NAgnkuii.. oom> won in tht l older temples of GujarAt, and - at Palatipnr I foand two pjprcauatationi of ilium in tliu mum of Kiiiikar, probably the ciiy vf htinnn tlm Kanlcr* 1 j district war namod* The *« bo tho SapnrintKidflmjy Bnngalow. uro Duuij 1 ia] ihj inco in Uo and KAihiA"u[ wboro Uto Colin Eswi "jwd, OBflO are tlti" most tkatuna that I am ar- quaintotl with. 1 r.tnnot perh&pa more fltlr

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the t'i J 1 in honour of T li A n :— || *PR || *JH Tf^T "i-'-IW *TOT || fji.ti^-al itrnrwnr n

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The placo Th/m in tlm oxct'llnu nito of Dho- leftrara, ;ki Data n!*.i . ir v uii bia prese u To tlm abaulEkiit devotee the placi) is as it wurv ailorned with a nag, and tho place of pilgnm- perfoim thcpil| he will di^rfrojtho ainaof 10 utilli> (ptevimu) Axisioooof. I'muoununi tho naniu of Blmi. Whj tie yon net pronennoi in toe heart (of the true worshipper) tho dnjmn of hi* name are (perpetually 1 b oting. NATIVE CUSTOM* IX THE GODAVAfil DISTli BY Ujt». JOHN lAJ.V. UUMAntTDEM. ■'<■■;/, The foil' H pravnilH amount tho Brahmaua, tin welhcui' jlnwi. Atoooflairi time whiUt a woman >nl, a number ofher female friendi waembl e nnd pour ^ • 1 h»n. .««*- fMtnuiii tha* 0*t nwtem vt j»jiaff f«p««t ^ **»• before too floor of t he room vrh to, ft *jnan» Ulyd«n*k doorpost llwy tie an old shoe, to tho oilier u bttflb of t n I ant ((%wiim<i "/uaflmnm), b order fa pre- lieimtrancuiif any demon. Alter the woman ■lunay Uw vaowaV itrvjiauiry pnrraai owr arrat

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