THE INDIAN ANTIQUAKT. [Jawithkt, B011 gal a? Tim. V :u Ji.nm'a "citjof Chrt* nnuimld" must h:i Xogap.ntom, as I Jr. fl point* out. unless indeed if bd 1 u!to- getbor.* Aim mi-. ior% it » J3 from Mynheer Rj i cl J fi <m Gtoeus t« the (Dutch) i'.'ibI ib Count' i 1 Beptoaibtrf 1 '•"', yf which an immense pttmrt in given by Valentyn (ml. F., ftykm, pp, 204 - 77.). Thai speak* of the mty w orUxgwaa hud tail t and fortillocl i»pn the sit • of** thu old Gento© city W Ukiormondelnn," and how it had pro*. >v in couflting trade, bnt in th* protttv ZourarL with ] | hin, Malacca, Camb idia, Siam, Jeho I above all with Chine." I do not bco what place this could well be, except Negupatauvt' ukhough that name i« not muu Lionel in conuexion with it, and does occur incidentally f ihir lie port. 19 reader of the Jtoftm Antiffitvry may bo » spent with more proetae knowledge 00 SAN7JUL1 FOLKbORBL. F. T. COLE. TALJUAXl, ItAjMAttlL- Toria the Goat:.. Ctata/Uire/lfa Once upon a time there wa& a certain ahep- hnrd named Totui, who fed his gonta 00 the
- of it river. Now it luippencd that the
daughter* of (lie Sun used to descend from n by means of n spider's web every ckm to but he in this river. Seeing Turin 1 < ■ wanted him also to hathe with them, they bad fin 1 us imd anoint- 11 1 t 1 1 1 ■ -1 1 • ■ i %-, - . '.-.- , t S 1 haWi and oil, they again asoomled to their ItMfflOolj abodu ; whil.-:!. I .< i i; went to look after his flock. Tori:). kayiftg formed a pleasant Aequiiinlaiiee- ahip with she fan, by degrees become enamoured of one of them. How to • tbliuii niicli u (kir creature h ' u loas to know. However, one . 1 'iddenit •I : to I 1 I - . 'id bathe with he suddenly thought upon a pkn, namely, ilia* . they hud luid their JffVJ n;mt*) down, he; would «efaft her* and run oft" wii So be wti.l t» tbam " Loft ns see who can in 1 1 wmer tile longest ;" and ata given signal ill dived, but very Boon Torin mis head above water and, unmnasly observing that no one was tooktog, lie hastened 01 the water, toojt (ha mriMeii'H ndrM, and was in the aot of carrying it awny, when .". raised their huud* above wn The girl ran after bin bun to return for garment, but Turk d id etol *iop til! h read 1 ei I bh I 1 When she arrived he gare her her *dfhi and said to her "Now you may return. "* Seeing site J 1 a (air anil nob! htm, far way kuhfu could not oia mouih to Bale hot to ta his wife; bo he si maty said u JTow ye a may go. ,f Bat 1
- ' Cfo, 1 will not return; my sister* by this time
will have gone home; T will siny with tciU, and be your wife" All the timu this wan gorug ou, a prrot, whom TotJb hud taught to «puak, •n Hying about I ho heaven*, ml Hug out to I great Father, dc not lo'jk down- ward uaequoue. o| not »eo what wan hapuenlng cm earth lo hu. maiden inu rery iliflcrent from the irauKOI of the cotintry,— lihe wo* half human. loilf diviuu,— m that when a beggar once came 1 Haw her, hie eyes were dazzled .1- if ho bad .-f'tn I a! the u ttn- iippcnfid that this very beggar in the eonrai of his travels came to the king's pokee, and having geon the queen (who was thaught 11 to bo the most beautiful said to Ike Icing "En shepherd Toria'* «if t . U much more beautiful tlian your i|nee', yon were to nee hor h yon would be 1 iiilsiintcd."
- bur said to the beggar " IIow ukall I bo
1 1 I i her?" The beggar answcml ' tmrnl in dbgui- kitrif did no, and uariag arrived u t the Jiuuao aimf. Toria's wife came out of the uud garo him food and water, bnt for wry astoniKhmeut at seeing her great beauty he wu uuciblu to eat. His only tbongbtwaa " How can I manage to mnh> Re then went home, and after thinking oyer many plans at length den3i£ .,,„._ v
- Tm ^ ! - i <
t Dr Sutn ? Dal I ewuwi !««« i r Wu, port 1, s P L« „f «e