Jm.t, 1S?M
SN KE-WOBSIIIP IS" KATHlAVAI>. m wb of Avit I k* i ii« stock wo* Dhundhal Scananufigji, tho chief nf n irn.ill Jo: tnnnsn i<ni t ii dnughtcr of Ui"io Alokiiji, tbu Devru uhicftuiu of Sirohi, and bad by her two son*, via. R ututiutji and Kumliyi. RamKii'ii^i succeeded kin father, and Kiinloji received fiomo villages, Kamlpji imd two sons, Buderuo and Fnha R»to, Pitbu. B*b ruled at Kutugaijh, und married a daughter of the I chieftain i while absent
mnrkuf. Oelefofttmg I ' Jadro
111 curried off lib muru from hh village «it" Jburcih Pibu Rao, on hi* retnm 1a Jhayal with his wife the Sodhl, romiuoneed liood against tin- KhHii, but way eventually akin. Hi* wife, tbu Sodhl, though pregnant, vowed that nho would not Hurvivo bar lord, and when forbidden, on account of her condition, to bo- oomo n «if l, ybu ripped llOCSOlf OpOQ, givillg to k Ban, who, from the unusual murmur of hw birth war named .1 liartLnji, from UTTf* l to Incur- ato.' Thin done, ftho o*oonded .the funeral pile, and accompanied tier lord through »hv flames, ju hrtcato. • il wife, and a princess of Iter ■iesoeut* J bards ij .ming manhood pruftocntcd hi* father'* feud and .iildro KtdohW now bonded together igftizut Jhnrijoji, who wan forced to fly, tog ■ dangblcr <• .Tpal), to Kolonjhar, tody pave birth to u won numud Bodottr. KaJuAJirar was d time n holding of tbu Pudhiiir H > nuuikiiig Fadluxr reigned tfwe Roto Jhardoji took refuge, and married his eon Bad* Anopknnwar, only child of J5tiujur.-ui.ur. Jhnrih ji " Kabuijhar daring Samurai itg'n lifetime, but hi* icm Bade*nr *uex«ectfeil that ohieftnin on htnjhnrand there, tfadeaar had twOBORS, KiYlAraonnd Janrajrao, who engaged in tiuftiiitlcy with the KMohbi of Kolnmgndh. Kldehts, however, slaw Jar; 1 1 do* I Kalurno, who firing thence cam* Pa u c h ft 1 on hia way to Uwkrkh W bllo On nil jnuniiiy thither he came, to tho village of Jji- khamauchu near Than, where there waa a large encampment of K^liis, The Kith J rink kaiumbS, and ho ucocptod iJii.'lx- iiivst,iti"n r After drinking Jim B of wl ut tribe D«S when they informed biui tbnt tbry www formerly Wat* Attjnnte, but, ow? IbOb? onMfltor Wiloji •Tb* rried u Knthiani, the dnn^hti>r of Bat§nff hv had been ontcaibod, and that thoy hi* limits were now Eathi*. On lifiartn^ tliiu Rao Kal li perevived that be too would m iMiteawtcd, and thinking death prnferabln ho drew hia nword nnii toward* Iiis own breftfit, intending to slay bimavlC Tito Kiihh. r, dinauadcd bitn, and oflvred to give him dangbtaza in marriage. Kilo Kila ansent- wl, nr.i. thnw Kailii.'mirt, rtt Snjlndft, dan^bl of Kb'uclur Bujfdnr; and RnpdebAT, a da ugh'. Bam KhramAn. After th* marriage eenununien wbih completed lUn KA14 uttered the foUowtng couplet :— «T^T t^f *a > 5% ^T KT3T JTT >IT* &a m %f tt ii«sin ^T 5 ^ p" wrvf HI air fr v n Kalo thus spoke :— The Anan«<IA<*/i& the i-rown of iLirwuiJ- BetAreen tho Wala and Dluuidhul is now tho band of marriage. A* K&lo ■wafr b a Dhuiidhul Uittboil, hi« diMiocndanbs by hi* Kathi wives are culled Dhlftdhftl Kathirt. T thai Kit- tin* am again Milidivid'cd utd l^ninehes, vi*. Jiiuojharjaa, V itftbhioiin, DIuiticliH NbniS) Rimmjii wulug, Mi'dAnae, H/ilibV kit, Dhidhlni*, ikAs, RAo Ealfl b the Witli't nnd KluiuwVfi ladiuy, lm« I. lie had n agAU Sogftl married u KliAdmr lady named Kami U'. nXtd also » daughter of VAtA Odha niui; and jhtop ot'TiJlm Khanhar named Atodebat< By Modebiii Lo Itnd eJuo nons, viz. i^ubil, BubtOi DbAug^o, KiLuuIrio. Mokhio, Varuaio, rlajaiiko, Bnbo-Rarigar. 1 idante of ]tnba avo OftHM .rhinjhariiK
- Uubo ^ng.Vr nvc railed PAkbtJia*. The
di^COnoaitta of Bubio nro called Eihliinia, and they livu in 'i village .it lhriisari. The deBeondanbi of Dhangtjio ant called DhAug- ♦liiit, and theytfnj> -ilrriUag© iipur. Tin? lie&cendanU of KAlandrio are oiled Turin* uud Uteyonjoy {ftoit in Waalwad. Thuiliwomlnrit* of Mokhio are cull^l MokbJhaaa, i.iobroat Wasiwail. I^d«*COndiml* of Voruaio aro adle-l riirwala», and i" nt and bold buith in Paliyfld. 33» diveeuilaata of 6Ajank& aro ml led Milan**. Tbo Krt< of ta* old fwiUtv i» »aiul... *«■*. 4c k worths «« waart, a* ft h oat «f Um Uf* ownuuu <««.