THE ivT'f v wn-irAitY bottle, and Jtiai Abiu wua uid forced In ntlurri >«> K.-w-'ih. WAlojl nml - nmr
- ilabhsihedtbeoiiH.lvc» lit Tit An, d I V,.
gratitude to the Sun, re|siirvd fhu fctttploof that iLuninary ou the Kaydda hilt. Tins temple, tw before stated, in said to havir been founded by Riiju Aloud hu" t ftnd fh ptc is no doubt tli foiic. Ir v.a>-, ir in euid, repatti I by Qu celebratoil f j fi k li ii P li n 1 A n i , who for a short time op- pfjirrs to have ruled here, though ni. v.Siot date does not U|«peur, but the neighbourhood abounds in traces of this edebruted chieftain. A neigh- ing village in named after him LakhA- tnanoh i, or ' ! . ntool/ This tern pin I >.-v* ixudergoiw so many repair* and rebuilding Ltutt the original structure hfla entirely disappeared, and its present appv&ruuce w by no mean.* im* posing. Waloji -bad a daughter mum v, bom prieatww in this temple ; hu i one Wji - i. nud gavi- tut twelve village* as her uiamiigu portion, and named after her the fort rebuilt nn th opposite to Kan dob, S o n g a d b . The preaeaJ, village of Soogadh la a few hundred junto from . fori of Bong»<J3 , u ■' the di >■ oil Walera Julu to ihiy dftj CnJoy land at Son ■ onhii was a miiusitruni in the temple of the Sun, her ol (worshipperd), and from her sprung I or »nb. tribe of Kiithis railed B b a g a t g . I'lirmlrn i 3 In Imvu cut*red 0«rij iu thu Id tli e«ntury(r Rarii and to bavc received the Cbovinit of Than, Kan (loin, and Cbol Chotibi) reward for tho Barter V tan Id- <hvn WAgheltt Boverrign of Wadwin, at thta time t ho chief city of «l hil : Tho grant wtw accompanied, however, vnrli the condition that thu Babriu* should ho expelled, a ion which V i I a I >l em I onsidered . possible to eirect. Tha lirtuara, bowBrer, cveded iu miming tin* l5:'ibriJA, who fled thence to Dbindluilpi'ir. Tbu Farmnra did not hold Thin long, as they wore onfttal by the K u t h {§ under Waloji. who, a* mentioned above, wo* himself Hying with bin K.Uhiw from Jam A lira. ! urtnlah Eh| hml been honoured widi ibu til la o f 6 1 i ujaal K lifl i i) w ju S 1 1 Oujaril, thu K a t h i » txtcn^ "-araudin^ expmlititmn to tht- «pnoially ibf pargftnas of Dhandbuka, Vinuu- and TJhi'ilLii. Their exeessw* bccutiw so xjdoufl ibot Slmjru.t KbAn, whim on liwrattal mulJtpiri circuit m Jhi'd from ■ 1690 fur Tb i fart i i trnr it great hbtu^bltfr n^bln and d^ 1 rnplu of Qmi Stnx SuicO tbift, tlMl K .1 r lii k neviT returned to ThAn, which w«» brjr the Ji. it a ftw w ard a. Oil this gnu! dbipuriian of Ibc Ki ^bie tbu K b m- cbur tribe luado ChotilA their head-quii" which they luid wre«t«l from . Lrm&r prdnoasly; while tue Khnwods, who imd i in about a.i>. 1769, remalnad there, Tho WA1 ha I -quart era wire at .TetpnrCbital, and; the Kliumiius'n nud o&orwardi ^ilar Kuudlu, Atiho time of ShujauL KhAn'fl storm of Than it vu prin- cipally occupied by D h h n d It n U , who haf© sned Hi rand wide, and (hough wtiU to be found a* MnJ^raaian in K tbdr chief poiw^Rinns lie b) tHe Dhandhukt porgunA, n rlnvJln- i, jueoMiry of thr -nsbip at tine »hriuc» of WiHukhi and UAudii'i Bflli which rhrv b.vi tu grrar, revr rcnoo for u ThoKA^hia, as ifl well k^o^^ I wo principal dmiuunft— tin Shlkblya* (culled by Sir I -, and the AvartiAn or A varshnkhvaa— tliut is to say. ..• in. r branuhnt. Tlio fi h & k h A y a t. g cxkcrprobcnd tlni I I*, Kb utn&n ,und KliA- uoju are di Hcumhu nnl WAbt Ilajput. who nj ■it I can give fur the t.- that the WiihV branch are callnl U Uni™, the YYiihtit U"ii; rid Off tbu kiiait! clan nn I Br. Tho AvartiAs ooutpriau tiiu • uul K . tuilionaby otttctii.' t" other olana, who bar tertnnrricd I be utost run of Ihi'jw Ava: uru those of Dbin- d hal and tv liu VTftd, — tlm luriner sprung from and the I Ah ndbftl trib« ' I bcHave, been p [ ivill boi and priti I are n Turnout} brunch < ads, flpruu^, it is said, from DhJtodbi