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Jilt, 1875.

aKAK IN KATItlAwiD, 193 SKETCH OF SOME OF T1IE PRINCIPAL PLAC3 XAKK -WOHSH KATHlAw.lp. WITH A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF Til AX AND THE Dli i ilUBK OF KAT1US. nY HAJC RBAP3A0AB Til A N ifl One of fche nu>*i nrtriOTit pUcts in eoi the i " jHl i ivImxhI is holy ground. TbauiLv from thrr Sanskrit tthdn, ' a place,' uji though ir were dm placii halbv nail other* by sideiiecf "" (tew, by the exoollinioa of its nitj, and by iu propinquity tofiw shrines, such as that of T r i n n t r n a va rn, now called Tarnciar, 1 1 if fame us Sets , n rl o 1 n , nrnl those of tin? Snakobiflliron iki and Bandnkn, now known n* Wfi and B Iire*pMitiroly. Thin iu that pari oi 'mop of Sanrfishtra railed ttioD era P a n o h a 1 — ho called, ii i , aid, from laving faetrn the native country afDrnupadt, thewifeof than™ Pincjavu brotlii*n. front whir.h ehvn i he waa called Pauch.il ', mid from her that divhouii of the province Li called the Pun c h A I , and born into it to peenlinrfy sacred idled the l> r ft Panchil. No* fa T ban faraons in loral tradition only i one of the ehup- iithi Pierd roted to Tri- uelrc*varft and the neighbourhood, m I ■t w vuluurly c-.JIl'J Old TAd*B Pun'/irra or Tom I few wfl totti temple to Son ™ bnili by Beja MundhnU in Uu Vngft, This I Kftld COTWlSl ] inlation u 52,000 Vfa &6dra«— in a11 t 250,000 soulf. Than was railed i consort Daft bathed in thi two tankn nowr the town, * one ha* t«on called P r i t n m ♦ ft contraction from .: , ' tho IhiIoyimI," urter Krishna, — 90 railed m huing the behn (id tin? K a in a J a , after Lakabral wl ■ bcant , m[i(>'.(i| i.> re^'mbhi tin.* i<<» lotus-blcHwom. Tl: 1 fortrtiw wa«  la, and hi Inbrolfd ' -to Ku Q ther hQl, with ft fi time* 8 o n g a dli , and another I named MunJvA, ihrrai am. one of thi) appellation* of Js i v u. uud ok*- 1 tba celebrated kutitj, by bathing" in which all uue'v nina were washed away. This htuid waa called, thftrefen-, tli,. I*,; p ,--,• sin-expelling, sm a hU>h it wii-, '.nimU'd wan callfid

mpiiod-nu-Yunu or Ibc

DsftToytir. Cloair to TbAn arc tin- M A D dnO v billa, dUlingiu«hnd by ibiM nanu? from the r&t 1 1; a rnvge, ofwbloh shoy form n part j and the ni mains of ii n?, nuvy bo aM)H clow to the ehrinn of Bindia }]<-. &bo coodomn .ndnlca, onnof tbo famed Bnnke-breUircn. Bat T h il n is Bftdlj fallen from lis foniiLT atulc. when it eould bo &aid— ^hfr ^ ifrft T?nr jfiiT it^ || (One gala ia at) Cbotila, a secoud at Snudori. thotliird At ma Hoi : , lit* fourth gate at ViaoN Tb« nhriiii' of lb -I U4U i« in thu Iamb of Mabika, mulnr Waiikancr; Sundori il a Tfhrau- i villfigc; while Tusa Natal is Lbttirhvineof ti Milii nut f i ih Uiodorn tradition onlyCOK ^k aa far m tlxo B A b r i a a , who ruled hero rnitil driran Ottt by the Pa r m a r * , who were expelled by thi- KAthtf , who to thi I turn Truro dufpwttjd by Sbujaat Khiin. Bdl i»rit, and wens fflAatwded by the J h ii I it * . Tho ttwmory fi> fltill sorrivnA in the followiu^ w """- ■■ ; — •f^r ^rnftnT w=r vxftm i^t ii *. ii r b i n . Kan «J olft , Mid M I Q d ▼ a tbnv rtr*-' id vir']< : v the rah' of t I Hm Biibrula nnguod The il ii n Si allndivd to in the uoapl JliulAa, whow t; tint. Tliu Bil ware expullod by tho Pftrmiirs, who wore .■!i lomwlf floeing ieoin I'liwari^db pntunod by Jiim Abrfl. itianaiil Tliiatuid liiitl sjege U* the plaoo, and Waloji eontemplatoil (ippi'aretl to hku iu a dream anilauorod hhu v> VS'/doji naked ft

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