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Jhce, 1875.]

CORRESPONDENCE AND MISCELLANEA. }$-> j* £b j*i >* !A ^ J lad need not been for worlds, for earth, Nothing the Lord of worlds would have produced. This earth chaotic stood in need of hills ; Had this not been, Ho had not raised majestic ones. Had there no need been of the spheres also, n whirling ones from nought he had not made. The sun, the inoou, and all these stars Could not shine forth if not for need. Tims need the cause of all existences became. The power also of man in need eon Then, needy man, be quick, proclaim your need, That bounty's ocean rauy with mercy boil ! All mendicants distressed in the world Their needs to all men do proclaim — Their blindness, poverty, disease, and pain — cind'i pity with their needs to move. No one will say : — "Give bread to me, men ! Property and barns and stores I do po?" God has witheM eyesight from moles Because no eyes they Q60d for their support; They live and move deprived of vision, At ease, though blind, io soil all moist; By stealth alone they leave their domicile Until their Mai hem from that stealth, With wings endows them,* makes them birds Winging to heaven their angel-flights, Alway to dwell in the rose-grope of thanks to God. ■ Those linos do not allude, bh might be ropposcd, to any metamorphosis which moles are auppu Like philomels to sing a hundred melodies :— " O saviour from all wickedness, Transforming hell to paradise, A greasy ball with light thou hast endowed And bone3 with hearing ; most bountiful !" Does*intuition with the human frame unite ? 1 1 ok do all things with names combine P Words are but nests, the meanings are the birda. Body the bed through which the spirit-river flows. The surface of this mental watercourse Is not without its chaff of good and bad repir. It flows, but you would say it stagnates ; It mos - es but you would say it stays ; From place to place were there no motion Whence these renewed supplies of floating chaff ? That chaff is but an image of the mind, Assuming every moment a new shape ; Like chaff its likes and dislikes float away ; The husks upon the surface of this watercourse Come from transmundane garden's fruits, — The kernels of those husks in yonder garden seek . The water from that garden to the river flows ; If you your life's departure cannot see, Behold in the waters this floating of the plants. LUST OP DOMINION elated from, tJte Mesnavi ofJcttdl-althju*!: By E. Rehatsck, M.C.E. ^--1 «uib> 31 *J#£ w*^U -,.5 Is i mr* aj ^j^, fix-* iiif jl ** jt ^jl^y <&y* jiW i>Ab Ijj J£ J| CxZS [j L»CJ >T Jtj <SJJJ~ l*Sfl j J>V iSkj 3 *ji £ undergo in nature, but embody a flight of poetical fancy.-E. K.

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