ISl be who u H very .Sanikara towards the bulla which are the brave imieftains decorated with badges «rf honour; h-- PrbO fi the boll • who wear badges of honour on their face* ami
- be TV*'" h ^ vorr VikromAdityn . hn who
i:, fir vmnllft," While ho wan governing the Bnuavufti Twelve-thousand, — on Sunday, thu thirteenth lunar • of the month Jyc&hthu of tht» SarvadhAri «rtfiiwi/*<rru which wnu the year oA ... 970, at this capital of Hn. I jig A vo, Keaavannndi,— who farted for . . I who wos th "almnaudiblm^'iruLa of i' the lialag'.'uairai.ia which belonged to tho gud Juji- llhaf, being acrnat 3d hy venera- tion, gave to the Uawtdi I of the Hhnhinu oblatimik of water, five viaUitr»§ of rice-land by the (measurr- of tJw) staff railed BbernndAgajr jj in 1 1 if n-'c-lnn<l railed I'nllryn-hayal «j o| thr» capital of BuJligsvo which i ' the . I i ■ i • i 1 1 1 igo Seventy, The hoanduriea of it are :— 10 mirth tho i ' tho Lands of tho village iif Tilnagundflr; to the ea&t a large and flat d< : ek ; to thu south tho enclosure called Aflhtflparifligattn f ; and put a ctiHiABat-Dprigfci ground. There has. not been and there asvisr shall he on the earth any one equal to tho ( fnndnbhe~ runda in rcaperX of religion and courage ami ri-ulhf illness And liberality, mix general bridge of piety of kings itii Brer be preserved by yoti ; ' ' - • bee Uuom- c ham Ira make Ida earnest request to all future princes. The earth Ilbh been enjoyed by many kings, coinnieuerag with Sagara; he, who for the time being passesgea it r enjoys thi I of it.. T*' i own person is a very easy matter, but the preservation of (the ul) another is troublesome - r if one would discriminate between granting and preserving', verily preserving is better than granting'. Ha who confiscate* land that ha.'. boon given, wh«th- »r by atintm i, hi bora for sixty thousand years a.-, a worm iu ordure. At, the desire of tho king, the lortl N a g a • varum caused to be built a temple of Jmn, B temple of Viahuu, a temple of J i vara, and a tem- ple of the saints, in tho country of Ba n a viae . CORRES B AND MISCELLANEA. XA' India* Amliquaru. But.— luyuui 1 last number tfur MayJ the Be*, illlns has printed* Itorj retnarka— " Mumcluruu* OB tbv IfatohM 1 (?oast"— in which he •liiipiitei corTaiii position* ftd >J mo in. a monograph on the Fahhvrl in of South India In tlio courfcaaf bis remarks 31 r. Collins rrtvives r ^ thu so Syrian! of Malabar which 1 hod imagined to ba ob*olo le i n eun -- B f 1 1 ImiI ng wall ascertained ihui, bi r.rrxdible iu themselves, thrtea thoohei entirely wanl ovideftco to support them. ■ Ctfnf. ' SJasaaii^jf 1 -' ttta I '" h Of $**<*■ »S'l ' J*oW»- roujap,' u t ■ °l «*
- Uft* oaasftshai KJtrtorlrjii It mil LakibrnWirr* U.
tnfN« UJ- of tiw- 1 by id* «i *el. i. >u. ii„ , | t TLv fttilMtttk <d tin Jim TlrthaiVtMinuu 2 ' ii*#i>lC » J«"« T#mjA#j ttn» word m » T*4Wi»t» curra^ Iffil ' ttUUti." liftoff, •lu'fltimp, a Jmn *t:.%>t it try i th» i«»nl»*a fw»H» i* ' B } ' Kilt ir.—mn omuSnt lambiU'Brt.** tb« nJan of vrLinh ii but tasw 1 1 1 b the torn* M ' t/ni> Tidi/i^riin fa". ' u thr flrw *>f thwtlirM kintb .>f ncv.luKl in 8-»j13> (*aij»m doMtib«d by t>r- Hr,,-Jar«Q hi hi* Jr-urnr y tArm-jh itaifit, !?«■«»> *^«l '. sad i» drfioi"! ■■ " i'l»l io th» li?«*» part tJ I shall now ihcw that itr. Cot 1 ins Tim not made tho i-Ano any better than it was. fie hoi nut ad- duced now facts, and bia urge IW vreral misund^rBtandings of the books he quotas 'Ilia attribution of the origin of South I union Chrintiaiiily to tho Anostle Tltomas M«ns very ultra- ' iioae who hold certain thceivgkal epiui- iu q,uc*tloo i», On wbs doe* it rest P Without real and tufRcient evidence, so imprubable o eirenmntAue« i- nt one* TOJeotad. L*iou» actions have no vsluc m historical rc*«rch. aCr.CoIlu to Ahdio. iipi» wliii-h tnmatni! hj atasll rtrewnm frmn «bsoci paiiaf» »n- il .rtnrr to ih« field" which, ej thii irrifftUfcio, ■ra»Wi« Ut pi« ■r.tllullT *WO CTOpI C Mf lor Hwtnw B#pr.' ' 2S5 Sad MO- it modnrn Caoorots ' hailu' imvin »J«) a jafi and th* np*a coautrr <•> Uh* *n»t i* tao«rn u Um linn n • Immi 4tktiairuUicd rmm Uin M alnt.J* • at M*lt- rf s ftt M s 1 a ft A '1 *l - tlu» hillj »oii wuuded n/iuitrf Ijiaf liiiii^ tlim tVwtora Ubi^- ■ N <^tHpnRK» of |»««m iQ Sanlirit witb PSMMT* ir»»<i in*'- iws tijat til* « i ' UU*d! •mm" jiut-jurt .i I I ran donMfol wbrthsr rt nn br M&firfcoril/ ens- wHa ' flla", inner. Mm*K or i« ik As ft? t • ilm inu»bil lea <rf ■ « In- U. | {a laterip- liirtl* wliTinl tm *tnrV«*- t , 4tW»pi»d*»jl« / '"i"— f ^* *Asto»in"f (**«Ha'|