< Page:The Indian Antiquary, Vol. 4-1875.djvu
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[JOK, 1ST* L0» &7UU BSti- 4 re o v [16] ^^ »» v ?s5£a» ^tftt&ttM&a? £*3w» tftfafo? ^•tfo» exiw &#& eoo?v £»4«C>;S£tf &?5ya> [so] 3 ssSri^s # rifsfbi^c tjfcs ^nf^c^r&jwo ntf? «*■ ij5>* [Sl] efi*» iff^S tSwf^KiS tpSffii ^30nS?!wjR .-jw-ia* $*&■? oasi* [S3 J efcc* SfccBiJ **g #<* to ^*o • flfce c&o ^ = !%■» — [35] tf^Tfc^o jStfw^o = o3~? cW»8 d^0oaa ' $ folia fttiU 3 <: fl^WrfCTJ £? rf^X^? c(<j*)ttb, [88] &s!a ctois? ££fco poXdrfi.FXXtf) 3»&?„t;o • jTVajuidfioH. liny thf> FioriptriTo of tlm lord of tin- three • ir Jioa,, which has for ■ch eilieuuiuus clinraetvmtic thy plttusimy mid iTMRt profound scii'uce of tliu UKSurliuu of pofi^i- Inlititft*, — bo lictiaicmi f YictorimiB is the heat* like form or Vifiliiiuf which Ijccamc uiuuift'st, trotlllllllg (lie ocean und h&fiflg tlu> Lurth resting xipon the tip of ila uplifted right tuak ! I [ "Whale thu vietorM* reign of Lko • T I'd i J A ky u. m a 1 lu J A v u. , * — ibo Ftlw world, > [tnmiu king of grrat Icing*, thu *n hirdjIietuoHt vi'iJiirmlile, thu gj is family of ray&§, tbo ornament <-r the Clil- lukv:w T — wu continuing, he, whoiu bead raa • ' /■ •/ i.'WtihiUtttt, J* a 1UIII* BiipHed • Jnin«; ««i- li. J I VViUjir, JkMWya Ml (fcw ft i . t Tim allaniin i» In t hi* tncanuillnn (if VS»l»Pn a* n Imar to robtuft UfaP 'lirtli, whiut hwi >itcii enrrif-i] iiil- • Ui<> nf il>n i». iuii lijr (Ei<r ilinnuu Oha^jflulka. y* Hd* K0i»&*vBrH'Jj > rA 1,— s'ata Jlk f«JIJltj U lu:n i -III iL III, J.whJ

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nrlortipd (when be bowed lumift'lf in thu U t&ittg oIkjIhuoiuu) with the frt i «h hlossoma tbnt wL r ru hu foot (an if with a qarljind), mvm i — Hail ! : — the fort anatoMahnmanilatt'BVAm kiiitf ChAyiirn|arj( v u, who iQMBeiofl of nil the ^r! nnwios commtFncmg with "Tin. Grx'ut Chieftain j| who Iida jiJijiiihiI £bf (Miw*; (ln> oxodlent lord of tho city i j bo who law ucipiirtnl tin: pliufei." fuvuiir ff Ule goddoM Maln'itak^hinL hi' '•- bo di lights in lilKiralitj: ;h« who: i* thu pretvptor of thwu that. 1- ■ t(.:); ho who is I'm, i hag 4u> uxm to tumnt htrnj he who uj Uio bnireiit of biiiTo mt'n ; hi- wht> Sj a vioy ( i » n d a h l< 6 r a D d aj ; lut who has three royal Iiailw of audkncel (?>;

  • ?«*•*" rKrta.
  • " ' MUM in -nlkirli T Imm Iftlmn

pnwrt putadi hal

  • U«'tbiir th* prm-ni |«p i ,r ' c*n In a

"■it but In thu I Afitdr.uA liinl »)0, two birt-lt wbkll imrj i on (lie lUdt | • Jfdnuvlifibjr.

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