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THE INDIAN A2OTQT7 ART, [Janusr, 1S7S. Yamti&fal, btfikitatmttidi KuAlifttif, Tabf/fa Atarj 'at 'yttnux % YuutaiusMo t and tfa iwiWW of lAflir (fog if q;/.. '. ■ t* LuJfullah* NawAb A*sam Khiti ia hotter known mute ftill name, Kit A i A' a ft ru Minn 'Axlt Kokuh, of whom the reader will fin J a biographical note in uiy Aiti (translation, p. $2o). He was long eiuplovui in Gujarat. Mlrxa Mnhnmmnd An war was his fifth son (Af«, p. 328). Mr. Burgess also asmibe«i the digging or repair of ibo Khin-Sarownr naar Patau to Anwar'* father (Vitii to Gtyarat. p. 91 ). The names T a in li k h i , Jtc, in (.'ho end of the inscription arc the names of the Aihdb i Kaf>f,

  • tlie i»rda of the cave," who form the subject

oftbu xvmlli turah uf lha Qordn, The ' fanb of the Cave' are well known to us under .the name of *'the Sevan Sleepers." The origin of tbo legend ia given ia Gibbon a flixforif t Fxxiii (end of vol. III., Buhn'a edition).* The dog Qitiuir, was with the i in the cave, and ia much respected by Muhoiu- mailanA. S a ' d mentions him In the Guliiidn ; aufl hia name add those of bin masters are often written on ataulcta us a powerful protection against Ion w (lestructioji, Hence the occur- rence of their names in this inscription* which served both as a historical record ami as a talisman. MA1JFATTAN. BY COL, U. YULE, C.8., PALERMO. My friend Mr. Burned], in bin JSttity o* the Pahlaei Iwvjrtplfon* of 8 Jntlin,uhs incidentally expressed an opinion that the town of if, pur, or San Theme, is the Mali fatten of soma of the Miihnramadan medical writors.t Though I have often tried, I have never boon able to arrive at any satisfactory conelusi'm mi this point ; and Mr. Burnett's view fa perhaps expressed too positively. I will iurre pat down all the dam known t<> mo. First as to the old name of San Thome.— The present form II uy i 1 fi p [j i"i r in. 1 ima- gine, accommodated to tbo loug-p'opular cty. motogy ' Peacock-Tow u.* Mr. Buracll tbinkA tie proper name wan probably Matuippuram,

  • Mount- Town.'

Marco Polo gives no name to the city. Ho calls it a certain little town baring no great po- pulation, and frequented by few traders. Neither is any name given to it by Friar John of Corviao, afterwards Archbiahnp of Cambulnc, who, on bii way to China (c*Wn 1 292.93)* spent some time in the vicinity and buried a comrade, Ft. Nicolas of Piatota, in the Church of St. Thomas. Tbo first traveller, as for aa I know, to name the place, ia John Marignolh", about the middle of thr. I -1th century* who calls it M i r a- polis, but who bud, I unspent, heard the peacock etymology, for ho mi •:■ pcaconks pariicnlarly in atmnexfnn with tbo legend of (ho Map, executed Nicole Canti, Maipuria, Barbosa, goon Apostle's death. The Catalan about 1375, gives M i r a p o r according to different readings M a 1 p u 1 i a , and M a 1 c p u r . nfLer 1-HH). has M a y 1 a p n r ., M a i I a p n r, and Muli'pur; with Do Burros, Coitto, and tltn Portuguese of tlieir age, it takes the form M e 1 i a p o f . In Fra Paolino, again, wo find "Moilapnri,orMa(Upuram , — City of Peacock r Then for M a 1 i f a i t an. This is mentioned by It a s It i tl u dd In t in bis notices of Malabar, as one of th» ports belonging to Snmlar Pandi Devar,— " V u L t an, Malifattan, and Kaya I f '* as well as In W&Bssfs edition of the same notices, t And Abnlfeda names Ma a i f a 1 1 a n , probably the aomo pluce, as a city on the coast of Malabar, Other notioaa seem very rare. That of Friar mot, who was a Catholic Missionary in Western and South India, and on his return to Europe was named by the Pope Hishop of Uolumbum or Quilon in 1 328, ie remarkable. Naming the kingdoms of fa din (but ho wa§ ac- quainted with aft^-r M o 1 o b a r, wIiotd the popper growB, comes S i u g u y 1 i (or Cr&nganoro), and then Columbum, *' tlwi king uf which is called Lingna, but his kin o h e b a r . $ There is also iho kiugof M o I c j< b a t am, whose kmg- dom b eoDed Hole po r, whore pearls are (akoa ilnd. Ant. toL I El t 8 !!^?^ Eai,iU a*^ Wr oa4 111. j*. S3, fli^-sjmuai sennwra tmA*^ l iriu aut il4£*iji« no Uua can«u mj jwrpluiiii^ iUtcment,

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