TiLfcl KM
[Jtrai, lfao. RANT OK KlKti UfHASENA OF VALA. DY J. 0. mijll.KK. Ph.D. Mibjainml ir&nscript anil tnuialatif.m erf aoootid half of ft Sleastni iuur-i hjuwmn lmi'o Urn urcjmn.U aocci I 'rcaruaLeil by tin. K U'n llii I'.Ii- P* , V. 1., aud knt ta tui> In- the owoer. Km pjtmntly form* p-nti of the Bicdii nuuk during th© hutcnldwntl. n^rdingtoinfon reeaircd, eleven pfeeos wore dug up. I w*« i vu incbetf by nine , tral
- ly i«j arthl on two Iflgttii im t el v
ntaitied liula mop vll-knuwn liflliorifio ftpii in line 8 an (mporUat word, ■ position of the convent oN ' line I of tliii grant tiro smaller than thuuu of the .H'rixnna of Dhrovftsetuk I, but dura tfioH mi the Inftcrlptiona of I Q gfc Tlio form of Uio I ', and Of tho uUuchntl mr»- «0«ft' r 1 Bgntar, Im* Locomu roai . v, 1. 1 1 ..-■ i ., ,,, . lusrijrcnruloiiGMtlinu-:. •a groat diiTorenco between the dura tf or.* of thia plata and thoscr belonging ta the times of (he ' "" B Ak* form "f Uie writing f . rv-joinbhat enrront haml,* Imperfect a* this gnml U, Jt ha* nnvertbeliae' afr intent. Kor, i Bain uppftirinj oftine oftita earh'a VaUWiT dy tMi.Hfj* BflJ glrtW Ml im- |h«rtnnl cantribiiti rdi thn history of Hum* in VaLtitiln, We (Tn-l that the ounvanfe founded hy JhiHrK'i, flu- sister's daughter of cuii tinned to tionriflfi nnd l.< tCtoa of tho relets, Tbu maniiou of taghtoen i nig wlifch ware pfti presented in L)ariria*n convent is oltto of hu- pornuuw, become U confirms n statement niadv by Bfarw Tbwwff. Tim latter lays (.VrW.Yat, l'k.W.ll! ?.«.k TC i num.. «| Uw foaadtr », ^mmr, n»yt icAdm, bul II 1 6S) < lift! in ilif Iiutidrvd convtfaia of Valabht 'In' H 1 .;, in, ■,', 1 . ■ : . i u t! y vtndutd. Kow Thr- tightttn kduKilu of onr grant ran nnlr rafor fo Unr HhniyAna, ! ip, ilivL.r liujiii u kntswn to Imvrr hern cultivutiid in tliat niun- bcr of Kikiirjm.f A third point wha'U defturv thin g^rant arm wr ■•■■ •'rfp^neennd war. ThLsBaoie pcTHun executed al&n 1! oluiaeaa'a ■on Dharaxniia It, and of his fourth dtiscvndant I i ] is grants nf m I ut TS7-^. wbhibPrafoworBbindirfas] rightly iiiiurprfitnd. to mean 272,* ^ad'y^Si wlikb I MdtS77jS llh ' 1 Uurt "i Plfl«M»w /r T©$"^ ^'"1 h J Pnilbaor Bbindirkar ■■ 326, Now thia givca 8Inm<kbhata a b oi office iryiaira. Our new gnint Rbowa IwldnffiiM in abso, ; id >%a 111 tbo date iif our nrant is taJtcu Tritli Pmf. 1 , 1 Jii rlair for V ►, , j tbo gn coiuMrqunttbr Skmtf»hjutfm must have been tt least wrrftJlty jcara in «91cl-. Ii vtxyini|. Ltmia n»o ihooW laat I 'rtfora, r yfor GO. The fdct is that wn 1 crcrtai" uukaown aigti ^/ which occurs on thn lii plate* may stand, for all wo ku« Thn el hbhata njipear, bow.v. r, t. probable that it jnuat be mid m [«i»m mi fl y 4i^TrRiRin%?r»7 ] ^h^ : [%] ,-*. "fn^Hnif-T^Trrwwr [^pnTn-rnT^tw]— t — [«W: m&farwii ^ 4i) «*y ^ffuT?r3f!RT|r^3rr- f Tltw dutii b iaL rn f ma , , hi am^JJhhrf cmot. aad WiISTi* 1- • • " , *' rrl y "l«M<r that I'ufwfcif 1 II... «Bn SndmdW,' 11 """ " ' JB,l *■' l '• , * ia*ri|*«« »t