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Jjjtoaict, 1875.]

si AN rXSCKIPTIOBS* 7 2. Ouo of the Udg'ith iniwriptitma refers to tba reboildiiig of tlio •uutlvcost wall of the Fort of tbai place in tlw a-n* HH3, or a.o* 1G33-34. u?±*.j J f J 1 *** M^* uj'j'- J Opener t The Fort having been destroyed by |A« raiiw, if iooj a^tiv* iiuidc strong and firm. It »«* entir 'Abdul Hustti u, tke jrwtrful. Arrchom'na or^rdisuj to the dot- UijrttH was m dwM r ktu>w ii to hatha year 1043.* Written by 'Abdul 'Ads. Thn metre h MtUaqdrib ; bnt tke 5tb hemi- stich ibl n. ft, lu the N.E, wall of Bolg.'nh Fort, Mr, Bnrgeaa fouuu another inacriptian, of which lie han aont mo a i ■ •.•nRiats of three diatichs, RtiMl inctjru ; but tlio thin! hou, contains onto syllable too inucL. Tho im>Cf iptioti shows that the foundation of the walla «VM laid in Ji it. £&?, or a. d. 1530-31, bj Yaqiib'AlJ Kl Ouaijtf ^j La. & Li. j_j-sA**_j* Jj ^ui ca> (_rJ-*-- fc r hJ y JdJ^ ra^ufe 'Jfi Khdn t urho is u jfejf fu £fa &i oncZ oy u'/tiMu luMWwoIijaeo the house of the sanl is prosperous, laid the foundation uf the well of the Fort in strengi ft dor Th' date of iZi h/dna built was *x< by a sutj- '/vit ' a rather *trong vntt,' a* has hem mentioned by all petite* The date lies in the won Is dfoat I <pxrttar. •a*. 1AWW4 Mr. gtokn *?« I j n mi iuit-riptintL hoi air** th*- ii*tii au * U litW Boi HW 'rieal AueowU . r- t , y. ■ ■ l,; : !.i, ■,,. '. ! . I! .1 S' ' .' ! '. ' > . '." - r. . t From tht< ir -' ,um intrt* ili*t ^ wall wu e?w»p]at*J aia«*«B y*»r» Rlttv Amwl K i yot poMawioa of UtA^ idh, if , u 1 bali^r? , Uu» fetgv« <»ai. whJiJli gitfl 987 * fl. TIm* connoctod writing dilvh&l and jduyad -t anil last btimi- Hticbfl i* uuiiHuaUt 4. Tbo fanrth b a pbo(oirrtiub or au iosorip- tion frum Gulbstrgo, Imlfwuy up tbo ba^itiou r whore kbfl K , « , "-ui fan Ueo. Ajiv L3.jl»» I*: I *Sdm i>la. j LI JJl» ^»*l v >'1 33t« bastion of the -gux Gun% «?<** ereeta the reign of A bul Muzafjr lb rd him'Adilihdh by Jlarah Malik and Malik ^erm£aI T § in 1031 jtpoliiug »-* j*b for ^y ih rather una Baal. ihnv lutlt-ra «;+ u"- rinil J bolOVT QiO final words iill up u vacant (space, but have no meaning'. o, Thn Oflb inscription wai discovered by Mr. B organ in 186>on a rained Wat. or well, at SiiMhapur, and w mentionsd by him in his XoU* (fa 1 irtf', p. 72, lli-t tracing enable* me to give a correct reading and branabtion : — jjJ *=— &*** **" i** j* ^ erfl t/ 1 ^ oJj, jjii a*s* |j, ja* - l ^al| pI^s") aJiU _^L=H V^ ^^iri? 4 I* Jj1>* |»f- *^- dj^l ^jA-iljJ t _ r ij^kjijjr l _ r >jAw khjkZS Lu*lXc God w (?mif .' !I7^ buSdiug nf this Bii (vctU) was success- fully oamplotdd in the. Uvm tvhen th* tour* of tras the jdgir of the teton uf nobility Mitcd Muhammad Anwar, m vxetllant Kawdb -"C;aj« Khdn, under Iha superintendence 3hartf> *a HaMtydr. in the bUwmd > 1010 [Ajiril 1601 ID]. Atkl wUh (kd rest* the guidnnes to Iha right road, although there are thai deviate from it [Qor.in, iti, '.»j- [> £■ I • han TvfcnaKV to ttui bojca antt jaa wbka itill bw cbfff bt In namot of l'j« boudo» an «aab u *rtsi«a to

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