THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY, } fault*, lb would have been impossible for Bono, with lib lord «if dlffnairenesa, to have dn- aeribed tins fit j' uf Pusbpapurl, or to hnvn frnnuned up t'l'i virtues of Bajabanfis, in ptxga *sta in nnmbor than the Jwk# i Tiofled oftnom! 3To( hi H*e connlsa atyto of the In iter poet there is sufficient to prove that bis powers i if Ji"M •n|ition worn of no moan order. Hu has given, too, enough of alliteration to ■iifltmtft hi* ac'iiuuntsnt-i.' with that bi ui nhmhdrei, and to gratify those who have ft taate for it. without engendering the ndngled feel- ing of weariness and irritability inseparable from tlmnsnasnl of Sulwidbu"* V'f*nn(utntla But these eulogistic remarks must bo held to apply to tho language atone. With undent Indian writer* the. issihjoct to ha treated on would Hero to have hi I jmrativcly little moment, whilst tlm hut gunge in whii'h it waa to be clothed wui lJ1 4 repOrtttm. HO&OO the. poverty of instruction dorivablo from the cluwitonl writings, and hence oleo the difnnuky not unfmji, found in interpreting oompuaiticii most •iry subjecta. If Dh&ravj hod written to instruct, the fifteenth canto of bin poem m -mIiS have appeared, and ho with part a of must of the poem** No one. again, would venture to deny that ibo nt'jntl.1 of .Sanskrit literature in very low, at.rl ilin work under review forms no exception to the rule. . Jo homo*, IWjahanM was respectable enough ; hut Apahdravarmau, who may be r as a typo of the rest, and whoso cower h eke tchud nt some length, wo* a tmcceutful thief, intriguer, burglar, and murderer. I !**■ f .idv^piturra to hie friend and master Itujnvahanu, fail fur fnnn imwiaeutate, but who after listen] the recital of those deeds of blood and villainy was constrained to exeUum s ST>f*ifl, <m^*h-i ^4 ffltT- 'Mffc+Ff t ! The principal female character, trt cither IwUiir&s or buhavy bj such; and wo hove a dctailod acco nkilful uiuiiiwr in which, one of thom, to win a bet.niauaged to delude a « imple sage, ignorant of the ways of the world, and to allure him from Ha wild ign to the dissolute court of thu king, after fasciiiatiii • with a vivid description of kdina with ita i*uhUu operandi 1 Tu convince! be angeof the hnrodesinossi of kin**, the girl is ma/la to quote from the Suatcaa several inftanOQi or lewdness practised by the gods themselves, —a course ahjo adopted, i: acem, by RajnTAhana bo OfHBOOM the tfcruplea of Avantiflundurf, who after hearing them is made toeatelftim* tfSrn* «TH4.<l<<r *T Mfapft , *pwf%i|
- rq *r «Hflr ?Rr«rfT?^qf qm irrrnftT i ! Again, in
the story of Apali&ravarman, wchnvc (on pago 83) I , r M i n ■ m 1 1 1 ! o ! '• h« way in which that worthy planned the commission of adultery with KalpaKundarf, and bow, wbilnt lying mi hi* lied the night before, he had aome prickings of contvieneo regarding it, wnTch, howoTor, ho got rid of by remembering thai a violation of dharma wau approved of by the* S&atms for the lake of ortaa and Admo, and that in the iatmu there would be •oiiM-frhing to the aide of his account I tie waa fnrthor awnred of the propriety of what lie urU alwnt to do liy bbooiop!miis-hjBo4ed go<l, who appeared to him for the purpone b a dreom ! The undonbicd tendeuoy of writings of t hi i ia to mislead the ghnplo-mindrd by imggostlng, ir not actually inoalcptatft ttttt darkncea nnd light, infamy and virtue are one and the aamaj—and yet frum streams #ueb us tluw did. the yoaflu of paat eeuturiea imbibe their ideaa of virtue and purity! Well then may the echolm u& !. true morals, whilst revelling among the delights of Sftnnlcrit, rejoice tlmt liy the bringing to of Eoglijh literature purer fuuntnins have been open- ed up, at which the young or India may without pollution. Tho totttttbn vernocttlnr 1 tnre in wholly impotent for good. In 1807 Mr. Mahfiiicvn Qoffiod BAna^OBOttod r hot the F< pdkhtftin. Vital Punch ctii, SiAhdMnn liatlUi, and Hiuku fotimttml " constitute tho stock of the mo»t popular itorlet) of - fiction in i luuguuge, nud are fa h* found in ewry itidi : ; , nud t-nutiint? thrit wholi' Wintry,'* (Preface in Culalmjuv of Katii'* Publication! in tlu !/> Pfttidituty up to i*l lh:rj;mLir I0r>| . ) Alas fur tho morals of tho achool-boya if formed from tin- teaching of those works I Tho laxt if the fonr. which in Iho <*>oy of thu Catulogno is facnciouxly called a book of 72 ' wwml ttoriu,' might I truthful! j- be tOftnod n " Mnuual of Imniort, ntid tho few grains of truth to Iwj found i other three arc largely uutneigbed by tho noxioua matter they contain. 'Ilio toberdependoni., nation* in on acknowledged met, and u it not meet that, coming into contact, after long age* of se|wru- " bo Kuhu-th ii ml Western branches of iho great Aryan family nlionld nuuiater to one another's nneesiiity P The swarms who ntig' to ludia from thncomtuon home conserve"' jealon* caro their snored langunge, and. banding it down from generation to generation aa a precious heirloom, now present It ato tot to tbt admiring ga»e of the whole family. The Teutoule branch comes from it* far^olf homo, bringing with it a newly^acquired literature and religion, and i bstm in retnrn to its Kaiitern brothers. Bcholarn of all countries will nrnept with thank- fulness the Instalment uf the JfoiaAur. '. U'r . ikblor has presented totlu-tn, Ft.