THE EtTIAX AOTIQUABY. [Mi*, 1676. XXTV. J y^il *■— Sa*d oten'nd— three small stars, £, £ in Aquarius, and e in tha tail or Capricorn. / U 1 XXV. ■%£•?! **■■ Sa'* 1 ABaVIiIiiat,— four stara on tho right iuwid of Aquarius ; throe of them represent & triangle,— they "• din- and the fourth within is Baft himself ; the three iln»t stars are sumeiimf* uluo culled tho honxn. Sa'da among Oio Arabs are uino or the majority of theui are not mansions of the moon, bat are scattered about in various ron- ■ .!■■■!!.. i ion J - XXVI. and XXVI T c** Jl ^ ] l* Fer *' al-dnl olinuknddiui, the Mtariaritn tha handles of the nm from which the «mU?r i» s * poured out, and j^jJl J?** t->* Fl!ru ' alninwnVhkJuir, tho posterior interval. Each of these mansions euuskte of two bright itam at soma distance from each other; they are nil in ml Appear to be «, or Mnrkab; y, or AlgDiiib; Alpomb* nod 0. XX VI II. oj* 1 ! vA Batn al-hut, belly of the fiflh. This iw » bright star with small ones near it, A woman with a chain in Km have represented this constellulnni ; but the Arabs matte ft flab ot' it, in the body of which this star is; it is no doubt the one marlcud '. n Kaitns" in our catalogues. SomehoVe named (his mansion t-jt Era hit, tho rope, so that the tirn ghould not be without one. In conclusion I may observe thatastttmomers differ somewhat, in thti do@cri.pUoa of several of tho mansions, baC on tho whole thw lUi will bo found pretty correct, and I only regret J hit' iu drawing' it up T could not avail myself of r'# I'nttir. illtrf th'ti Stemiutmetii which " uuld ad doubt have mode it a great dad better than . H la. CORKESPOXBEXCE VERSE fW OF CIIASD'B BTtu CANTO. -.vol. ULp.3W). Sta,— I cannot offer a tatter apology than that which Mr. Growrtfi lias embodied in the pn.fn.tory remarks to his "Notca on the 27th Coo to of ClhowdT for attempting m tmnnlatlim of versa 33, aspen ;,[ly its last lino, in order to mooc '. if I can, from the obscurity which envelopes it. Iu u verse 10 highly bscholttil, the lolutbn or tho difficulty may be •might for in tbr» particular development which Hindu astrology hm receivud, and the ntanil-point which thn poet has assumed. Hindu o»trologora bavo conceived certain ob* ■tract situations in connexion with the position which planets 0001101 o in tho coarse of their rotation, which, individually, they hold up as productive of the higher- 1 anoatlanoa which fulls to tho share of a portion whew birth coinridoa witb the OOQJonoCton, In th« department to which tha situation may be referred. By unulupy, the influence of tlicae situations is extended to thn jwrfcet miceets of particular achievements taken up At a moment when tho conjunction is |irv- dieted to hap|jvn. The lituatiuuM are reduced to three heads; namely, Brivti, Wisdom ; tithili. Royalty 1 Swnh&t, Victory* Tho poet hod unduubt<.-dty in view tho last category when ho constructed thn Ulrd verso. Tile figure construoted in the njarjrin nmlcwt an approach to the ideal of Yiffory, Figure }fo» 2 may bo conotraoted from the unequivocal materialu which enter into the compos it ion uf rig. a ANBMISCELLAXKA tho rcrso in question. Exceptions excepted, it ooeordn with the situation tQ
- . is ascribed.
Prom a conipnrvion of too two figures, it appears tiuit Saturn, tbomo-ih powiTfubund 1 1 a, I ba most important pjaju ♦iiifh eiilculutions, ami Venus, have no place assigned to them in tho 2nd figure is aceuuuted for by ut- m to some of the technical and synony- mous terms tin- pO0f uscn. Thus Iharath ii synonymotu Wt! rota having the aigni- fication of * deer,' The word thakrti in tho following lino hoars this out, it being 004 tho Moon's weapon, as tho trident hi of Mercury. I -'nrthc r, thf context nanigns tha same place to tho Moon as it give* to Msroury. Tlie • ii/ya marV Kmr oa Satafp ; the lesser kmrt, ijh tha Sun and Mars, have already their houses oANigiieal to ti < is farjTvt, and 8atam at onco takes its proper place. Moreover, it is in its own house where it kl