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JLtr. I87&]

A LEGEND OF OLD UKLi nr ltfO ova ra , given a* tins scene oTthu snddan death or king Santa, Old Beldam is said to have been founded by h Jain* kin notice that we hare of r found h) I In- i niHmfti iuscriptinn,* lr .<. im £Jam (ofrea s.l>. lltk>) the chief town of r ho district known n* the V immii Seventy, and was go- verned, under the Clutlukvn kings, by tho vac hi r.t a or L'i>r ma- rl i d «• v i'i . Shortly after this date j 1 was ac- i by the Ratta chieftain*, who •iUnwl of Sua ud&t ti . I be seen f fiat one of those Ratta chieftains, 1 1 k ti r j u u a by mime, is mentioned in the accompanying logout!* but it h erroneously elated therein thai lit* was the last of his raco to exercise sovereignty ; Mr. Floor* rvsearcliua show that Ma llikar dot brother, Ksr- tavi rya I V ., with wbuui AT alii karjf una had been associated irovunununt as a raja, mu still rnling after juna's death, and that L n k & h m i d • I i I . , - the son of K i r 1 1* v i r y ii j , enjoyed regal powew before the supremacy of the Rutta.4 ceased. When this (mint occurred, ft together with the ftdjotoing ivuntyy, appears to

i under the sway of tho Yi il a v a

Icings of Deragiri. What was fate of tin m not yd known definitely ; farther rosea* I trfa subject are- needed tu enabl mpleto a slcAtoh of the history of I li iti period. The legendary account — however iiir from deposition of ilko U aid i£ a 1 1 i k a r j a u a brings tn* in the plan* bo consider the Mu-silinin period. Tim f U* is 1975* Asfld K flourished in u first lialf of t!ic 10th century, as is shown hy the IV riptiou oa the raosfjis.- which ho creeled in Ulo garii,§ whcrvii ttjuivni 4. ti. VA'J: and Fcrisblah |[ *Uil<?s thai B was taken from the Tt/lya of Yijaynnagara in Tba etymology which is given of the name • Kdltal by Mr J. P. FUwt. Ba. HA, ui /taw. Jtortt. i7r. U. jI.< ' a. p. SD0, t KArlatlrys and Iuj trfolhoT Mslukirjaos, wm of |jtk» nami Kh«j»U, ar. ' -tirtl ia !h* IMtfufct tniwrip* thai lUtwl Aaht 1U7(a.d. mm i sad IjUaaRiuiora II. is tw »t SauaoMti, dKdd lJ. 1 ! tte]gam is more iugn'ttious than r woxfliy : hnr t wotdd suggest that it ia quite within the bounds of pownhiiity iltut lit,— which is a corrtintioa uf Vaht or ii>or«: pnupyrly .' i hfi fu-iL nartibn i if kbo natUL',— may em- buim fix as rhi nnmc of &ouie ancient Jains jf whom or Whotc dtxnLi wn passes* no further rbooPd, Vunu is, in fact, the p

  • tf OTl i thv Yaitavn row.

upiniou with all difr view of ihe elaborate explanation ami cty- BW»logy of the tiame given by Mr. Stokes at p. 18 of his UUtoriful Ac&t-, Bctgovm et, Willi tm ! 8 .lain temples, v. ' are said to have been built by the pious king tn expiation or the accidental cremation of so tunny Jama sages, it cannot new bo dctcrauncd where they stood ; bat oven nt the present day in the walls of tin- PdH <ji ti two entire *f aina tetitplosandn priest's house, and. boilt Into lb,, rampart* of the fort, w. reiunanls of beuiuifully carved stones which one© undoubtedly adorned the pilfar- ond abides of old Jaina torn] I cannot at present localize tii o i A u:i Imt hope q tobe in a position to dt) to. V ,i I fi r b a - 'it D 1 1 I Slags lying ».' I i which in huill Yaliirgu J-fort lying almost due south of Hd- r S a n d a r A a n a is in all liability n branch ttt triliatary of iln- modern M a I a p r a h h a , which in it* early couriie runs in a ;iy dirwrtion p aoaety eqalaJstantiy beiwoxn >S a n t i - U a & t v A tj and Y a I u r g a d . Hi? era was a poet, by name S a ra s i j a - hhavattandana, belonging to the an cavto, an inhubitout ofBclgaxii. II- ^iniHwed in the Old Kauunaui Lsngnaga a short history of kings. Having, by means of rbftorioal figons nod an ornato Sanskrit ox- prewsiou, applied such epithets as ripen as if tf tht Arrh i£* inul K * ■ sW Hi«tn>iml AtxamlitfUdjmVMi, p. 15. 5/ !ul. n i.l9,S0. 7 VsQUgrftma or Vs]agrftns i« Hif naawird il/- f to to U» uuenptwoi slnwlj nrfwwi 1**— Ru.

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