31 iu 18*5.]
ASCI EOT INDIA AC COBBING TO MANU- w a rmw material has been added to, and mixed up with, an il The remark hua n aadethat - in a duuteronouiy in. tin* /««// «<uv cfl not nivnr in the shapu uf an acknowledged Second nttarnnen of the law, bob by way of interpola- tion in, And gloss upon, that wh: bo ear- lier deliver , without making | very large quotations, to show how this Lt appa- rent. The original writer had sat out with de- claring thftr this whole law was cnmpris<Rl undor rhloh ho naniiHl in order, and " that those eighteen Lilies of law arc . , . u T all judicial proceed- ing in this world" (i elar&tkm wat lbl lowed by the doE Of thu law accordingly, in the c "ining and ending of each title was expressly mentioned iu an many word*. All this still standi*.. Hut snb- xtl waters ■ ly of «ouieof the ti den much iv iff tho old. and have also interpolated be! nfttghhotn pies and authoritative Eturt of l ha tat lea, i.+. fiaming, have added u considerable l)odyof law which could not by any contrivance bo iiciik up upon lIlo Limited wk of the titles, notwithstanding that the author of them h , I ilsfoal - improhea- Rtvoxttest luv instance.. : trtseo hifia in the way oJ which Ha later lawgiver hut bean reduced in urdvr to ■tu matter of law will* ft particular and it •rnctvre tod improvements uitd ieagnraca* of the coda u it mn*l Ivnvc originally presented Thn very t ' -elves betray I compn -early stags of civili/u- • ii which th irmmi tha Onfcin afail ami criminal I I of a <lepujut ol ^flna- of property will' twnunura- tion Tor work dona by sen- ivory of moi , given for that which is not tendered* wage* when work us ■«fanagrtvu»f>xt by .1 f ensnon -i tract of uaL? after Iran** ita between herdsmen and Cftttl ■-■-»* '«* i ,
- m fusion of bonndnrit-s, a.*wanlt, defamation,
Mbbrry >vitl* violence, adnltery and n the relation between huslxuul aud wife, inb ■id gaming, nil taken in Uiti nam)* covered every citu*u of dispute and cvery forjn of crhue. On the other hand, appear* to bo addud taait lawgiver dealing with hi prope sotyship, marl alteration, ui'fl acta, burglar}-, cut purses, injuries douu by unskilful physicians, fraudulent goU uid norsvBwttora, n nf water, detective police, Ac, The prison and thu pillory come in as new nindnsof puniahmeni, and by *p> i rtain firms of impoirttjfo and ol tn ' of tho plnces in wl 11m t irudiea, wu are introduced (o a society which hud reached an advanced position in the coarse of development. Tn short, betweei the first and - had pa&Md fitirnj UlO ustoral village is the type, agvlcnititral comnvnuitj in which town lifi', with it* indn- cee, haft bcg^i coame of growtli. Wa have a pretty accurate cluu in tho hharma bditra to the general geogra] ftitnatinn of tlir- ponpln fir whom it wax «^otti- pilotL Lj u well'kiiuwti oRriM|uotcl pot-^iigu it is written (p. Id, 21): " That country which )tM l»tween Bimavat and VtndhyA, to the east of Y t n a « a n ft and to the west of Prayilgu* It celebrated by UlQ title of Mudbya-dusa. As far m the Kastern and as f.i: . Western neenna, batweti:: Uvu oiuaji'-aLi-. . . .i il, Ui | which tho wise have nan: land an which thu black antelope naturally grants h) 1 for thu |k<riurmancv of wurri- tree* ; MS diners ly from it. Let Ute iluee fti KS in- variably dwell in thn-to befom-mentiacfld conn- aid for Eabsi- ■lOjourn where ut It" eh wf 'Ur mid. die district here spoken of appears to correspoud roughly with the Doab of tho Ganges and Jamim, together n tracts b- river and ll and waa prol rindpal centra of Aryan activity. Aryans had atno evidently pnshod themnt'tvun down tho valley oJ an tbr Bay uf Bengal on the CM Indus as far as the Indian Ocean en ? • AiL!,-,".