Anm* 1875.]
THE DYAIASHARAYA. 113 names of you both, wbich according to the tishyasdstra is very fortunate." Then Durlabha Devi threw on the RA- ja's neck the varmdld that she held in her hand. Then were all the other kings enraged at Dur- labha Raja. The Briihmans now advancing performed, according to the Sdstra rules, the marriage ceremony. Mahendra Raja gave horses, Ac. with much wealth, to the C luky a as peherdmanL Afterwards Mahendra Rfija married his younger sister to Nag a Raja, the younger brother of Durlabha. With their brides, Durlabha Raja and Naga Raja set off towards P a 1 1 an , Mahendra Raja attending them for mauy a The Rajas who had come in the hope of gain- ing Durlabha Deviin marriage had already taken the road, in order to fight with D u r - labhaRaja. They came prepared For battle. The armies of enemies rose up on all sidt.-s as fire in the forest ; bat Durlabha Raja was no- ways dismayed. Ashamed of fighting with these shameless ones,— instead of fighting with them, Durlabha at that time merely warded off their weapons. Some of the kings, however, Durlabha Raja smote with arrows. The R:lja ofAugadcsa gavo up the fight and submit- ted to Durlabha Raja down his weapons ; the Raja of Handesa fled away ; the Ma t h u r a Raja went to call to ' his aid the Turks and mountaineers : the Raja of Andradesa was wounded : the Vaidia Raja, the Kuril Raja, and the K A si Raja, with others, fled with blackened faces. Thus gaining the victory, with great splendour Dur- labha Raja entered Pa ,"T. After this D u r la b h a ' s younger brother, N aga R a j a, hadu sod named B b i m a.* Mor- tals owe three debts,— First, Brafmahihami second, Ihivakshah' : i hird. 1 ' 7/ ■'.'-.-■/, </;nx. Brah- makshana is paid by chastity and the cultivation of wisdom ; Dovak&han by the performan- fire-sacrifice ; Pifcrikshanfl by begetting a son : — ■ so is it written in the Karma Khmjiju. When therefore Bhima was bom, on account i debt to the Pitris having be > RAja and Nagaitaja joy fully hold high f< stivalat the court. At the time of the Kniivarji's birth a voice from the sky proclaimed— " Who RAja does not keep friends with this Bhima will Bhima imprison, or slay, or fight with ; to himself will he subdue certain lands and seas. This Bhima will practise science extensively, and the people who are of JSF&ttika (atheistic a l ) opinions, or who reckon that neither good nor evil arises from religion or irreligion, will he utterly destroy." Very dear was this Kunvar to Durlabha Raj a: therefore he used to make him lie on his own conch, to give him mangoes and fruits to id to play with him ; the half of the revenues of his kingdom he used to spend on the Kunvar. On his neck the Kuuwarwore an ornament of gold Bet with diamonds— very beautiful to behold. When the Eauwar grew up, he used to go to the chase, hut he would only cut the horns and hoofs of the deer, not Like their lives. He so learnt the pugilistic art I no pugilist was able to fight with him. Once on a time Durlabha Raja said in great joy—" B h i m a ! take you the man- agement of this kingdom and fight with its enemies ; I will now go to a place of pilgrim- age and perform penances for the happi of my soul." When the Kunvarji heard he answered with tears in his eyes — "In your lifetime 1 will not consent to royalty; I performing penances, but the frait of penance is royalty, which to the full i you have obtained and may obtain, — therefore there needs not to perform penance. And if perchance it be from desire of s va r g a that you wish to perform penance, know then thai accordiug to the Kshetro Dhtrma, by turning not back from the enemy yon have gained the victory,— yon will therefore without doubt obtain svarga : in this view too it is unnecessary to perform penance." Hearing these w«.r 1 a the king written in the S " when a son becomes of a manag the father should resign to him the throne and go to perform penance ; there- fore now that I am grown old, I am not fit to retain royalty, but if N a ga ill manage torn, then too it is wdl." Nga Raja, hearing these words, said-" As thira went to perform penance, his younger brothers went with him, so I too, refusing royalty, win accompany you." Afterwards Dm- labha Raja and Naga Raja, persuading Bhima, performed his installation. Then fell a ram • Tail U nxmnumwd in 2KU m*. «L L pp. 70, 71.