THE nmiA2ff AOTIQUAIY. [Aran, 1875. which possessed his — the king** grammatical dootuucul. »<r, after they had received from him i US tiwtf «*tul)lish&l the teM ma at these trau*latiou,4 Appears to roe to <'■'■ to omit other otinaidgratMntt, I it, i ml believe that the words f^evrnrrf rFJJT^II^ can convey tin.- DCUNudng ascribed to them bj Ijassen, I tu Ut lin irk, and Wither, nor am I aware i liui the won I ^j|j|if is ever used in tin* scnsei of -a (grammatical dooumeiltf OOP '« uiuiiu'ivript/ claimed for it by Prof. Golds! ueker. Lpft entirely to conjecture— for MS. copies id" the Jiiijutaftinyinl do not seem to exist in thb }«art of In din — t propose to i :ibove jptf% irtpir^ii anil to translate thin* : " A t that time h a n d r A c It A r y a nnd ..ihr-rs hrough- the Mrihabh.iHhys, nfrer having received its doctrine o* traditional in- •trpretutiou fann^ra) fro** 1 another (port of the) irry.' In support of tltis alteration and translo* 1 ri'forto tht-i verso from the? I ymlfifa. TT37# «*-*! «^ft3'H*fflT: |
- T sfrfr T£3T75Pt 1-4Hi4ll"'fWb pT: jf
irhfon f have reprint^ ui tits !»•< ! putrg, vol. II. {On. I*7h p. S86. I holttffl in India ami Europe to whom MSS. ol ire accessible will easily lie able to ascertain bow far my conjectmv may he Bnpftoi authority of the MIS - ntirte I'fui he more willing than myself to mtolligiMe rending may be sug- gested by the latter { of hasty conjectures we Inivr, I think, In ynnskTit enmigh uln I cannot conclude this short note without protesting against the Htntemnnt., which T find repeated OPO* nnd error again, that at some linn? in- ol b( 1 '""■ ' I ■'■" I had been lost, that it had to bo reconstructed, Jro. All we know at present amount* to this;, that for sown* period of time' Pnt&njali'a great work win nut studied generally, and had coQscqai caused to boufldfitvtood. Wo nifty jwrhupa allow a break no far an regard* ruf traditional interpro- ttitSon, i.rjr ftw the present we are bound to regard the text of the Muhobttfaftyit as (riven by onr MSS. to be the juuna as it existed about i ire thousand yam ngo. Dccco h Colk'jc t February 1875. ROUGH NOTES OX KHAHDESH, BY w p HISOLAIR, Ba U.S. The following 1 note* on K h A n d * h fcQJ founded upon the name dntn as t bxMM mut ributod by ma to tliu Jeatlqmtf reaped the mew of the Puni and Sottpur OolleotOTUtCB, vix. priTKCMtal. observation nnd comnvniiioa with the people themselves, and ure of euurK' very imujn ofHui to eorreetiou from any onn who may linvn bad bettor opportunities of fanning an opinion. I'lie term K h fl n doslt is ofdotibtfu I in It tins been uuppo#ad to refer to thi of Kltan used by the ,S a II 1 nj o f II i U"ufl tmm law also }ioon derived frtuu Kunh-di nh, * lund »f Krislina' (conf. Kaiibpur); from TAn iu alhiKiou to it« nrid pi Linn nnd scanty niiuGtll ; Jaeeitminly frmn Eftotadeto, 'the land of tkorn< la which it coy nix-Hindu ; and finally ttie author of iii wr» und other Mtifaltuan writers nitwit r . . | { KnondMdi, otherwise eadled Dandj «lueh might be derived from "DAngdesa," 1 the n and the plain,' into which il is reeognizedly dividrsl in nimfrni cti n versa- ticm ; r r ij t of two villages of the same laune in (lie Pimpalner Talokn, OuO lying fn the bills I u Dftng^ShrwArn, and Hit moi» r as l>es-SirwAra. T am in. eluiod my ., ta Hi il 'uariuu fnuu KAuh f and to mrjxpoee that it waa afturwardn t by the Mnsalmtttis to ttie zw Krishna, undi'f th name "f Khuiirjloba* iltisJuy, and won Id v.rru to have long been, a (arcmrito diviaity in the « trj lite SltwnJm*ms for altar •'-I' 1 but iranortantin twRee is welt totara: eg* tho Hindu Vetal- wan f nr Devil's Tillage, in this very eoui in known to Mumlrm'tng its Ueit-ul-barA — 'the Of th*how»ol i:id the village of Bboari, near t?uaA, remarkable for some n tarn dolrooas and atone eireles and fur its name -utterly untranslatable in polite pagvs —