Aran, Wi]
0» RAJATA&AXGtSl I, IK 107 cause lot or hindrance to the ownon, of that (village) whan they onlleofc what grows there. The {kings) of our own lino ulao, bearing in mind thut humanity is frail and power transi- tory, should rcccigniKu this our grant. Ho who token it away, or permits i fa betaJcm away, shall be guilty uf Llin liva mortal sins an i he minor sina. And with refbrunco tad (matter thorn) is also a. verso proclaimed by I'yrt'rfjj .• TTo who resumes Inn Uy hiiajulf or by others. Like** upon himself thti - slayer ofa hundred fchoua H Jty ownaign- manual (thai) of the grent fend&r groat e hmar j OTlttfa i, ml* the great Kirinkritika, the Maharaja, the illa-itrinEi* DhrnTaRPin. . . . , Written by K i k lc a k n. On the third lunar day of the dark half uf M a g h a , Samvai 2lt>." JbmwrJct. Thp value of the grant lies ill ild great ago. Now among : lie published plates go further back than to D h a r a * en a II, the great -grandson of Uli u( a rk a* while hero wc have a raeul proceeding from bis third son. It* date, t think, diff|H>ii«i of fcht- hat, the plates being dated aeoording to the K a k a era,* 1 1 Ynlabh! era, #18-9 A.D., coincide* with the. coronation of Dronaaimba. For, as rim fir*t two signs «a this grant, it**, are porl certain, if date I in tbo Srafca cm (oven allow- ing for argument's Bake die last figure to be 5*), it could nui lw aider than 897 t.n. llenco it would be dated th boginningonliL- Vftlobbi cru. I think that I . is a good obftaoo that many more V 41 hi Mi J plates will shortly become accessible. X refrain, he preaeo tv from my posifcmi gnetion on the qui to what era the 1 . irtUnL* really refer. I 1 ...lessor Ehim.Urkar lew published extracts froai 1. . which show '. :>inbhi I, though worshippers of UrahmanTcnl doi- lies, extended their nhftrality to the Baud - Jlitts. Htmee the grant - v«*ena te no surprise, though it may appear aoDordin g i cue, that Dhruraseha's sister's daughter should hare 1 IhiuddEm devotee and khunhi hare founded h Hnddhist nottMtarjfi while her undo was a Youth uava, Indian history furnishes, however, many instances of great toleration on the part both in nudum times. Another intortssting fact which this grant reveals Is thai np to Dhruva&cnn'* time '.be Valabli i kings were not Caifroly huh p undent, bat that ihey continued to acknowledge some other a.ivfreign as lord pammmini. N*o independent ruler would assume the title* 5t n ni n n t n . Prat i h * r a , and I> n n, d n ti m y a k a I * D that 1) r o n a « i th h a ' s corouaLion Isttil not cut otr the connexion of his house with
- preme power, bat only altered its name.
XOTE OX RAJATAl! AMilXt I, 176. OUXPa-D. Thn 1 Qr9 Oa] l*ttris odition. So far aa I am aware, all scholars who have luu! occasion to refer to it (IiasHun, hhlUchr AU&ihm Bontliagk, 1'iinini, vol. II. Introduction, p note j Y.l.ur, /*- ittmtim, tot V, • agree in "idcriug it to he corrupt; HI erf flltllfi 1"*™ changed *WK*T to »?y4|^» and hi u s LASsen. Bnhtlingk, and Weber havu milnttlutvit lKTT*r forpRPFPfc imitHlntinna wliieh liare 1 arc the Mlnvr [ng . — Prof. Lassen : * Phandra and odier trmrhei-s ininxlneed the iM nfter h reeoivod his (v*u. Abhiiiianyu's) ofdn foiohiL' fn. BohUingk and Wobi ■ I Chandra rs intrri 'tahA- bltaahjOi afUn" barii o.bhhuanyn f a) aiders thero (or to Ooldscfiotror: ' After Clundra and the .Tacainarliuu. I. "I U'hinuuiyn) tlir id te liishya •Cqaf.Js4t.jKJ n l(U ui,|4>.2«,Ma.-MD.