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THE INDIAN ANTIQUART. [Aran, 1875. Vranttatton, Bail !' From tin? camp of victory, pitched at the village of K h u <J d a ? o d i y «. (There lived formerly) the illustrious Sciuipati )t h at ft r k a , who obtained an empire through the umtcldcss power of bis friends that humbled (his) enemies by main force,— who gained glory in a hundred battles fought at close quarters, — who anqnircd royal aplendo . ngih of a multi- tude of friendly king*, faithful by virtue uf tlu-ir afleetiuu gained by gifts, and honours, thu results of (BLmtiirknV) glory, and by (hi*) uprightness. J-fin son (was) thu devotes of M a h cm y a ra , the illustrious SinApatJ IMiarssena, whose bcinl I WOt ti'ddtneduudBrtiietilic-d lis (he dust of hifi(iathcr'Hffvt't r — the brilliancy of whoso foot-nails wrb obscured by the glitter of the rnwt- jewete of KiB prostrate enemies, — whose wealth iLaordedkruKteiuutco to the distressed mud helpless. His younger brother (was) the devotee of Maheivara, the illustrious Maharaja Droni*. i rn h a . comparable to a lion, whose spotless crest-jewel (received) additional lustre through, il doing obeisance at his (brother's) feet, who like Yudhishthirft (< »1 i .■< n i od as his) law the rales and ordinances proclaimed by Mann and other (sagos),— who enforred the rule* en (religious) oltcdicnoOf — whose royal i pluudour was sane tied by I tie great gift, his solemn coronation jn-r- fanned by the supreme lord, the Lord trarn- moutit of tin' whole earth, in potfoit. His younger brother (m->) tbe devotee of Hhngavat, the grtv . i1 M great chambcrUiin, die great general,* the great Kitrt'i. • I » ■ 1 1 i 1 1 q I . v a k n may mesa— M*jriftr»,U>, Fnujdir,. or t ;,<jht»L Hew n liu probably lbs latter mura. t Kftrlftkritik* kdertod front KritAL-piA. "dow tad not dww ," or " dan* in nun." It if ftvidautly * Uvl trim dtootuig win* kiuil fif-ifll'Xf, anil Ium iVtvfr.iv b«4a loft anCruuliU*d. I think th* fl*u tido* gfassi to llki

    • Ba an thm fin imlilfciMM mimtiimal au uf s.n in mwjeut

grant*. I 'Hie BhajnVaka ur * high lurd' utttuulod id probnbl j tha rider brfttbt-r I>f uruuuiitlui. | C h * ta h*# bf-rti IniimlalrtJ ftWotdillSf tn Cttlehnn.krt nod FiteEilward lhH f theoidi lh» tstrtwtmmm t 4 run*. latkm it rtrt doubtful. CwuLwrw mL» Jaui IL At. Hoc || TIhi Moood t"*rt «>* W"» tuuno conhtiof aman-i.rlv«, 4an**tivp tnim (So mnlixnt ferni ot Uw Ptaknt rakbh*, 4ml thi- wbnln inm tot* an oqimiklnat uf our modern Hptod, Pipafaftih, or npiU(ib1iA&. • ^ Tb^trxt In pmlittbly fmlty, Ud the mbim &f thn l<a>«i{n »* cbmr f n<iu tbc oomwiiiciiltNB r«UMwrt of I)i •eiut'n Kraut i JWuiiUri^ab t jiiiArnnlwulnprakilkejMiij > ,ui.' ' ■ Th* oomponnd tuft natruulatcd mfcr* pmba porno rhdii gnuit*d to tb» Aidh. ibv»nlin^ tin- wml

  • Dttyn,' which it oostnJnr, mm /our, f: . . I

t tu Ut«»l tnaiklQKMi of tbi« «i«i{» Ptwith »rv«ata* hlown and «niwu.' Tlw latter two wcnrdl w*ia to bat* a to-hauaJ teiiM. Vita, ' blowa,' naj iKmibly kritika.t the Mahuriiju. the jllastriw^ 1 * h m ■ vasen a, (always) meditating on the feut a supreme U It a 1. 1 a r a k a J, — by the strength of 1 1 in arm nolo nonrpie.ror of hi>»r* of hostilu ele- [ihuiiw. — 'the refuge of sapplinnts,- — Itfltraod in the truth, the £uVra*' meaning — granting, liki> tho trea of Paradise, the fruit* of their ttrfil Itiy loriqg friends aooording to their desires. (He), beiug in tlio enjoyment of gootl h- ad drama (these) couimands to «U bin own of* ficinhi, hauda (of villages), (heads) of towns, fortune-tellers, § wnrriunt, and otbj n —

  • ' Re it known to you that in order lo iuereaae

tiJOB spiritual m^rit of my parents, and in order to obtain according to my dosires bliMHings in this life and in thai to con*, 1 bare granted the village of Pippnluruu khnr i, |j (sUnatod) nt the extremity of A n u p u n j y a, which is not to bo Tneddhul with by our ofliciab,^ together with.,. • and together with all ravenueaf derived ' fivm, Licconling to the analogy of the familiar instance of the ground and the cleft, * to the worshipful D u d d hu w endowed w tallignnao, who have been oonsecratod at V a I a * inl be monastery erected by (my) own outer • daughter, the B u n d d h a devotee, D a d d il, and to the eomntonion of the reverend w (dnulllug tbere), for the purpose of repairing the fallen and broken (portions) ef the tumtin-i- n and for proenring franktnomiae, bmps. oil, and

(fbr worship), and Tor procuring food,

medicine for the sick, clothing, and ho forth— the grant to hold good) as long as moon, sun, ocean, and earth «ndtir«,g "Wherefore nobotly moon ' dry or dried/ ja»t a* npar&ta (hm PetNoiburxi tionary i.m)«CfrJaiiarefartotbi)diji[nMaaiul wiimj atnonoand •avilabhAlaiimtyuja u qaml ato in my rntr.l of Dtiaaugaa II, atid the fiw«ltmb' of llu« snnt • Inl^-i by JV.IL HhAiiJariiiir ( / b»l •* Witt- tavdin|indxA] in* trnmh" JToar. Sh>»h. Rr, ft. At. tto*. X, p. 8u onlli tL pnriiri^Jrx, blt/ninakphbidnny&ya w tb* ' natootai fr*n {■rnibar inir(jUK« of thn Hrcmwl and tlio «]*■!' thrrcia,' or the infi>nii(c« that tb« wbolo ioeluiloi tlkr Jiurt-i. itat «• a |i£im'«> tjf Unit hwlucbn tb«> rqriou* rlefu tluwc-l i Jt i» »•■' I tad iMter ktwU that a iruki | H .■".■il ii'iiiMiii:bcbidriiiyny«ia,itlanui«iIitijily llul i: it mm wiib all it* «|ipurtenajkuM, jw ■., Ac I taw htartl tbii. 2|y«>» i-qi t a,iyvi! by $tmt*U co&Tnna- but am Bok bow nbld u> nr^aoe a quuialiuu fruu a SaiiJtpt wwtk in wvppnrt of ik «xpUa-' ' | Tb« word* of tb* wbul • an* itnaeplir I ma*. pgi«l^-l ibOBld my, a Uinnitrb U»< tm inoniBt *Jumva: I iJiink.lmw.inT, tliai my amin;- ofthorawUl 'laMt *i»b ■pimml. m> ft tt el laafoyofj) aUbhl. with ili- tliin>f«Ll .rfHrrt of nrmxbtif tk* eofi at ropoifi, ind of food and rkithitif f-r •!** aMTtJL*. TliH i',irn}<'nnii| dlldptdt|latilli{nubp.im^^ u» n -Mmrkjibl r ■ It can only b* aautn&Daa u ^u av j ay ll«iii. ju

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