Atbxu 1875.]
BTnmmST WORKS IK CHINESE. (bit), and fagot thcin not for ft moment, pe r- invciv in studying- them alone: 1. Mi the v-*' 1 ' physician, knowing the disease which nJ 500, give this tha case: tut this you die. Or, like the guide who knows the way, I direct yno where tii go and what path tu take: without a guide ran perish. And now T if yon have ony 1 -It respecting ur great truths which lie n" >m of my teaching, ask me, O BhiLsbuii, «r yonr doubts ; for wbile yon doubt there can be no fix This exhortation tlie world honoured one re- pelted three times, but neither of tin- Hhikghua propounded any question, far so it «u bad no doubts. Then A u i r u d d h a, leading fli« hearts of the congf iddressed B u d d b u , and said i " Worid-bnnourod, th© moon may scatter bent and tha sun cause cold — but there can bo un flit ferenee as to the truth and meaning of the four great doctrine* which Buddha has placed «t tho Iwttom of big system. There is the groat truth of 'sorrow 1 [tluMa). Sorrow can co- exist with joy* or produce it. ' Concourse* (tho expression ' concourse,* generally translated ■simulation," evidently refers to the 'rash' or ' concourse* of thoughts and events, experiences and anxieties, as the true cnu^o of sorrow), tins if tin' true cause (or sorrow); beside.- in no other. Tho ' destruction of sorrow' is just the destruction of ennse, 'no cause, no Fruit;' and « tho way* is Un way hy wh>- cause rooy bo destroyed, nnd this in the way/ and there is no other. World honoured the Bhiksnus arc firmly 6**d In ^w K . n not Hii- shadow 1 (here is no question w diffurviicr of opinion in the congregation respecting tbtrm. Tho only ibougl l affect* Hu> congregation is one of gd tie should i and enter N'ir rftim, Jest ...■grin to anioe 00 kBe i i: H law and understand its meaning j jusl as in the night u III 'P tuy way traveller and Hum and ho left to wander in tho dark ; imlythnaclu which wi'ij.'l'h on the uiiiu! Dongi . -2. a: in/ 1 >v;thstnnding the ajwnronco of A 11 1 r u d - dun, the wi o**ed one wishing fchat overy member of the congregation should be strong in his belief, and attain perfect asBurance» again out of Ids compassion addressed Uuuu, and Mild : — "Bhikshuv. <iot ot my departure, nor fool any regret : for if 1 remained in the world through tho kalpn (i.e. to the end of the world), then wLut Would become of the ohumh (assembly) ? it muj»t perish wiHioutoceompHah- iiig its end ! and the end is this : * by per- gonal pNAl Id p«»fii others.' 11 y law in per- feetly MufFieicn- end. If I were to con. Linoe in tha world, it would be far no good -, those who were to I*? ftaved ere saved, whether gods or BMn | those who are not paved shall be naved, by the seeds of truth I bare sown. From henceforth all my disciples | betr various duties shall prove thai my truo body the Body of the Isiw (<ihirmaJtava) t is everlast- ing and iinpcrisuoble- " Bo assured of this, tho world is transitory -, dismiss vour sorrow, and seek deliverance*, by the ligbi lorn destroy the gloom of all yonr doubts. The wurkl is fast bound in fetter* and oppretH-1 with untie t ion: 1 B it clelirerance, as a pbytfcifta w I M brings buavculj medicine. Pntawny wcr. I all wicked- ness; remember ' ' btll s word eoined to signify that which does not leally exist— fortl across the sen of death, old ago, and dbootO — Who b the wise OMU doefl not rejoice iu the desrraetion of these, as one rejoices whan ho slays the enemy whu would rob hiiu ? " Bhikshu).., keep your mind on tins ; all 1 .' bis changes not. No more shall put. 1 - ; . Nirvana. This is my Inst CJfl 1 ■ . ■ BAtra worthy Lnth or Prnnv by Nagiirjuna, 1 ibal] proeewl to give tliK transl: Am SStlt tewttoo ol rk on NnfA (L) If all things are nnnul. Then how e» H po ■ oc* noi Something which l»eing remor* ivanal j Thi intnrs that if all things are alike omptj and iiunul, then there w oofttnh ibintr as birth and di -quuniT 'hern ran Ij l - no rnmoval of sorrow, traction ol tlie ■ 1 s of existence (I I mit*d fxiKtcnuu) ,