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[Ann, 187fi. snake, a wild boast, a cruel robber* a great fire, and worse those. It may by C0iO| to a man who is holding in hin hand a vessel fall of honey, mid as ho goes on hn way his eyes ur< 80 bent in Ruxmir on the iweot treasure in hi* dish, thai he Base not the dreadful • b hi* wav* Jowu which he Fnlla. It la like a mad ideplinnt unchecked by the pointed crook — or like tho apo which £a iUew* I to CWjnp* into ipickly it leap* from bough to bongo, dtfti.-nlt to re-cnpturwutid cliu'i op one* moro. Ite-Jtrnin, therefore, and keep in jectTon your heart; let, it not get- thn ma persevere in drift O Bhikhhoa, and all shall bo well. " With respect to food and drink* whether yon hare received enmmon or dainty load, kA lie in you either undue g n t t i ti c aUio ij or rogrot; and tho same with olotMng and medicinal preparations — take sol .d bo •attsfied ; i v it as tho butterfly sips the honey of the Bower mid depart*, ao do ye, O Bhikshtti, nock not moro than b necessary : bo satisfied »ith what is given to you, just us the wise uian calculates tho strength of tho ox he rnuna, and gives it as much food a.* i* neeossary f " Bo careful, O Bliikahua, to wattle no lime, bat earnestly to persevere La acquiring a I. lodge of tho tni«- |»w. On tin- first and hurt nights of tho month ootittnnr fotl lion '•!' till sacred books without ecsHulion.

and love of sleep that cauars a whole

life to be thrown away ami lost. Think of tho fire that shall cunvumc tho world, and. early nook deliverance from it, and giro nol vsuy to idoop. A man who indulges in immoi ' can have no inward isotisluction or&elf* L; there is always a snake ofdissat tion coiled np in his breast j whereas ho ivho ilonioa hiiunclf thi>: i ndi.d-.ri -nee ia like the man who rim ' 'rase, expels id I that m hurtful, and so has eon? wd peace. Above nUlliii; hytty rt ttv< ry ihitugliL and every Word a! year n n wrfl m. .nt modesty i« in no dinVreal > ■ • * . " Ithikshns, if a man -dun* Id do you injury a* to chop your body in pieces limb by , vi-r vi-ii ongfrl to keep o ■ hi in per- il; no anger or tMsiuiluiu, affect .i word of repnmnh e&capu your lip* ; for if yon onoe giro w&yjfci a bitter tlmu^hi. yon harp erred from the right way, and nil m* merit is lost, Patieoco is a virtue i Ute lUeml tranttatwn oftl .> k J*n eke mt-i tih*) ; to keep the rules of moral re- frithont wavering, to exercise patience $ t In', ia tho chamoteristjo of tho great man. If a man, bccausului does imt i ovary thing as ho would wish, losea putiuueo. be a m:tn wlto will not enter on the path of salvation because ho cannot immediately quail tli" *vreet dew (i* attain immortality)/' Tho tod thou prycouda to speak of tho advantaga of moderation in nil indolguocos ([iWwr«i) ( the happiness of a oolitary life ; '* for jicy who liw in ndjcod ttooietyaro like tho birds Unit congregate together in a tree, alwaya afraid of tho trapn of tho fowler ; or like the did elephant in the mud unable to extricate luniself. Continual perseverance is like a little fire that keeps on btmno^ but ha who tiTee in the pmcliei: of tvli^Sou is like a fire that goes out. Suck is persDveraneo [eirtjn) or to forget self-cxaiDJ- nation and rvflectton; If you neglect Ibis, then ull progreaia ia at an cud— in the practice of on pnt on, as it were, a helmet of dufenca, ao that no sword can Jiurt, you, and no eoOQtj get tho advantage over yon {nim t i.e. h-aidha). "Yon ought to keep yonr mind fixed in cont-tn platic-n {'thyditn} — by p'ruovcrnncv this power of fired oontomplatiou is alwaye r«uly, even as water kept in thekonsv i a always retuly for 1;. the duet out of doors. And so ho who continues in the practice of J/> u nj Ion bj edly attain wiftdom (ynijua) ; and this ta the Uolivemno' Ipokon of in my law. And true wi«d' to croSd tho sea of old uad death in a strong and trnstwrtrtby boat. It is a lamp Hhining in darknojis, a mvdicino for all dinoesom alia tehe t to oat down tho tree of sorrow, nnd Fix- Hi" i>"i 'it« ym nughl la kus ib ii things to at lain thui wisdom, and bo bring to ye - K'nrlif. A man win -< trisdom is perfectly illuminated, and noodi mi ethos

  • ' Again, Bhiknhmi, ifyuu votthj laal

mlf«we, yon most put away from you all tho i' i. rifling ilJAeonrsofi) met wiUi in the world* Think | ., J havs '• in H,. a yontain pan or kits depth id' ti twnruiii tho tpoo or a the solitary cell: think of tho scripl

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