[Miacu, 1875. quW grand amuka to" (Maha varmn WD dim,) ; in the Chiin gO runs thus —
- Kai-pi-km-ku-ln-sze^ghai'kwajt,' that is, "oil
of thorn completely armed with tuu hultncL uf their hiding religions rowi," a passage vhloh. (illlii.ugh somewhat obscnro, is ycit corumuu i boii^Ei ii: D i i • I i ' ; - • « b) ofc«i denotiog the ; mw i of the vow mode by the B.idhisatwns not to ■givn op their ctmdiiiuu till they hail 0000104 ptished tho salvation of men (and others). Another passage, p. 1M4 (qp^ off.}, is thin* giveu by AL Peer— "bo fits d'uti dim ruprfj Munjuyrt eu fuvcur de Brahma qui a les ohevenx nornfe an sammst d> I qui reside purmi lea fits des diens," etc., hnt in the Chinese version .■adoring is " The Dova onon more rr*pliedi Well said! Ayaslimnt, th© Bodhiisntwa aught to Ixf untiring in the work of his religious duties, an in old time was the Brfthrnurfija Si* khin and his associates," etc, Tlie conduct of Sikhiii in frequently alluded to in Buddhist books ; ho in generally indeed npokim of as ono of thu old ilai.lrllin.-i, hut Ills exact religious con- duct is t h«« theme for oanntanr lain In? ion in the Abhmiitld'fiDuima Saira. There are several dis- crepancies between the Chinese text and tha translation from the Tltibelan, which 1 Cannot into at any length ; the following will servo as examples: — iv. 1 • "Mediln^iun." fiwo "Faith." W. 2: *• SagCSSO," Chimm "reli- ance on a virtuous friend." v. : "Produrrinn . I * - pensce a luqucllu U sernit dangcreux ponr lea BtKlhiitatwAH de wt coafiflr," Chinr*.?, " TUu llndhi*atwn* ought to i r n heart not four HMilernente/' vl. 8: u Ia pens^e qni consieto i no pas espcrcr an b mutn* riU : pm-faito."' Chinese, "A heart that does not anxiously look for the reward of good act. ix. 2 : " Production d'un penaea pour que cenx qui tranagrcHsent," etc.. Chine?* ' wronged by any ono, not to rnmamtwr tNo wrung dons.'* ix. 3: "En qnolrptas eontrves vast** d .-tend us.** etc, ( remit .my elTort although dwelling in the midst of pbmty (live desires). 1 " x, 1 : "Qaand on est dans nnu mai'non/* GMsoM " When leading a secular life." x. 2: * l Amoimlrir lea qualitea do 1 agi- tation." eta, Chintw "To practise thn him. t» rule*," xi 4: " Quoad on a lie na punWe a la promulgation do la loi," ete„ Chimin " Out of a glad heart ever to speak well of the •Qy.ciL conduct of a muster of tha law (spiritual tor)." xvii, 2 : " he l-resor ( I enorgie," ilhiiwtf, "The treasure of dialectic*, or of logical tJiscttMiion," rv-ii. 4: "Lctretor caeho de la benediction cornpliMo fin riclicsses incpui- ri.ilili.," r'.'n " TLki tP MWM pe of worship- ping or paying rcverenco to tlie htylwAt richiw, ix. the Thm Qtma, Buddlta, Dharmo, Sunglia. [I may olwcrre huro, throughout the tran>lut!rjn from the THbefltai tt» exprftssinn " htntdictdon Coiop" EgL -k ivii. k wsjji, *2) Corresponds to hvrtn*tnsttff in tha Chinmr*, (vbich is a phraso employed to denote nn ant rnul xciinthip, or K>metuu£U mental urf« ra- tion.] Tbo QbineW Tcrsion throws some light on the dilucnlt passage xxii. 4 : " No phis QB en lu CnLii'iiLii^nttiui], ii ei i use du draerpoir de rvtiSttU' daiiw la radisul iou purfuito du touteti lcs quul itttt ;" Chin&B " Not to resent as a personal injury (with a view to retaliate) booanso A ffiosiil luis not been invited with others to par- of charity or hospitality,'" There is a Chinese version of the *' tlhalur Itharmaka" according to tho Greol A traiiilation of this alfo has been mude by M. Leon Feor, from tha Thibdau.* Tha Chine^a varaion dnf«» fn in rh.- 1'mig dyiiasty, and wua made by D v v u k ara , a priest uf mid-India. It agrees very dosuly with the Thibetan. I now proa**! bn giro B It rl oi otllW Sutra* found in the work under review. (n) J?v-9h*oQ-fun-pih-un-xivtj*hing (Buddha declares the causps wllloli hirt Ii) . This may ho thfi Ram© as tho Nkhim Sutra. The Rcenoi laid L, ihc banks of the Nairanjnna rivfir, nnder tlio fadhi tree ; Bnihllin,! '" ' | "t ; " i. dvTclIs upou t>io fitlsiry or all sources of joy and sorrow in the world. On this Mahil Brahma, lord of tho &tf-M worlrh audihmly iMhTOB 'he licavuna and uppers beforo Buddlnu Buddha rcoountM to him thu causes pftxittBntifl (NidAnasJf ; fboodare thn samo as thoBo commonly Ii .mud in Budtlhir.t booltA bo* ginning with ignurancft (ooAlyo) and ending with old age, disenw, and drtath, Wbero npo o Uahu Brahuia worships at the feet of Buddha and depart*. (b) f ,, t>i"n-Ui-iting'i-l-wff (Bnddha relalea ii:,.- groBl and » eml prine alas fcrnil of hirilij. The scene of this Kormon it tho villnjre of Kn r n .