MUUMt. l
cs m ciran 91 nt Un isfar fk Ixamng tho stuac tiumf. As an butance uf tlu.« liiaid- milnncy. i lit* Oninsso varsinn apeak* nf the OfUlQ DAB rjfrti] HI i the curtain (net* j»h) that surround* thu domain of H ml i ma or In dm,* ami rampants the gsrag that adorn that not to the countless worlds of Hpwov, ovt>r till which V ai r oj »n»k «n j • AVhernas thu title L* explained in I be South U i caught iho Rr.'ihinnns. 1 " Tho Chi new fcransJafcioiys only a portion of iho entire work.und ulss which bind the B o d h i 4 a t w a , in the «amc» way as the I'raiimshka deal* with the rule- , i k - » h u * . All thin is 90 fnrrign to the drii object of tha South plain thero is but Iftals ecaneotwa between ka« two. except in tho name, which was borrowed probably t .tiJ authority Uj the expanded work. library possesses a Chinese oopy of tfau J 0w f »* r » c of Fo>jXni '■'. mi* interest attaching bo kbit, book i* the numb «mi*od» I I and r ^ «" tirawj will 1w round to explain thr temple sculptures hi navntl and Boro Rodor. I an v toUun! many of the nnwly discovered «m!plurw found by the Arclioxilogical Survey U» a* Bbarahnt will »*» »" f ' thii work. Te seem* probable thai the boot , the earliest known Iraiwdn' wnrk t>»* pwdm this opinion w H 1 i.irity of Dttmo : tin tion ol iodJM 'Iim now wnrk WM tuundr I Buddhist Bni passages qnotod I r^' 51 ? neon: is norm;!, it will I qoestion of the (In I' h am mixr.d up bl BWfcaUn man n< r, in Iho history of tbfl til's- a. Perhaps Hie must teteroetbi onuni nation of tln-s- hooka is derived from ft •TJi#rroo»-«.' " ' J Wf «*?.' ' 1/ tts B* ol I*b* b« Uw cnrt«- of <*■» work entitled Kiny'lrany*tpfthiito, In this book .iru liny Sutra*, translated at different Hid by v uf thorn from Sanski rtd from fc..U 70 to *-D. liOO. Among these - 000 called tho CftftH'tKU-kmij ; this I found to be a translation cf tho Soma Jdlaka, which in in fact 1 and Tt a > Tim jutnkn Ims Iwen briefly translated from tint Shxgslehie by Speuoo Hardy (Kmhtii 21 it with Iho Sinehi sculpture fuimd in Ebfio saorii^ fig. I, of 7Vib« saJ Serpent fPotsftSp. Tliv riiinese ri of ihw J.'tLaka is full ami cotnploto, and 1 pahliab it. A lingular cireutm>tnnco oonn" giiLn* ur J'ltaki* w this:— 1 y of Fn-hi an" a 7) it in Qtated that whm in Ceylon, h>: itfiftnoHi '■ea-ion a ival dtiriui? which picinrps of Bnddhtt'a piwvinn* hirtbs wore 1 and llUOg ap 'bn road. Among »pcnks of the ** blrl-b an a flash of light" (tho Chinese word is • c*- in»i ltots harin^r adopted this ren- deritJL' l I was a same in my own trannlution, altliou^U I liit I un ,iio donbfca at tho litnu, and triud to os* plain tho ebftraeter of tJik birth I story htlsifl 1,' IS now find J.ilakn alluoV.i to by Fa- hinn S4ma Jii ■■■• hieh tho book nnaccoiii it tores tin tc tn know ihai 1 1 fcnriJIar to the Bnddli :• in at tin I 1 ; khiaa'a "j. an it was undoobUsU* to iton si So nclii, somo At this wor! , "amo mndo . [.,:.! h p< 1 - *- 1 > ,111 paring rGivion, I find I noli inor.. luofEc Iran* lot t'ju, For oas BAtra, as »nwslsUxl by M 1 Monro passage ' n'ayant lo«tt ptmr ISstvnrL^ w,mI-iimA wiw4i