The Doom of the Darnaways
that his wife was executed for his murder. Another note commemorates a later tragedy, seven successions later-under the Georges-in which another Darnaway committed suicide, having first thoughtfully left poison in his wife's wine. It's said that both suicides took place at seven in the evening. I suppose the inference is that he does really return with every seventh inheritor and makes things unpleasant, as the rhyme suggests, for any lady unwise enough to marry him."
"On that argument," replied Payne, "it would be a trifle uncomfortable for the next seventh gentleman."
Wood's voice was lower still as he said:
"The new heir will be the seventh."
Harry Payne suddenly heaved up his great chest and shoulders like a man flinging off a burden.
"What crazy stuff are we all talking?" he cried. "We're all educated men in an enlightened age, I suppose. Before I came into this damned dank atmosphere I'd never have believed I should be talking of such things, except to laugh at them."
"You are right," said Wood. "If you lived long enough in this underground palace you'd begin to feel differently about things. I've begun to feel very curiously about that picture, having had so much to do with handling and hanging it. It sometimes seems to me that the painted face is more alive than the dead faces of the people living