choosing it, I can in any way misrepresent them, for they are stated elsewhere in the treatise in very much the same words, e. g. page 137. These, then, were his views : — ' By this spontaneall pulsatory motion the bloud is continually extracted from the vaines (propter fugam vacui) as well originally exsuctory as secondarily circulatory and propelled into the arteries (propter fugam penetrationis), but with some diversity in the distribution, some part thereof being pro- pelled up into the head by the internal jugular arteries, ad plexum choroideum for spirito-faction, the rest into all the rest of the arteries in universum corpus for organo- faction. Out of that part of the blood that is propelled by the jugular arteries up to the head, the spiritus confusus or immersus thereof being expressed and segregated in plexu choroidi, either by excussion or exhala- tion, and animal spirits, thereof made by the self-operation of the prae-existent in somno, it is again distributed as before, one portion thereof being still derived and transmitted to the heart, ad motum spontaneum pulsationis ciendum, and so about again, perpetua circu-