the sympathetic chain to join the brachial plexus. Of all the results, however, which have been attained to in the line of experimenta- tion now under consideration, those come to by Brown -Sequard and demonstrated by him at the . meeting of the British Associa- tion held at Liverpool in 1870, and subse- quently published in the Lancet of January 7, 187 1, seem to me to be certainly the most striking and possibly the most important. Could anything have been more surprising to him whose memory we here this day commemorate, than to have been told that an injury to a particular part of the brain, the pons, called after the excellent anatomist whose life ended in the very year in which his had begun, would produce haemorrhage in certain parts of the lungs, and anaemia, oedema, and emphysema in others ? This is an easy experiment to repeat; it is one which might have been done in the days of Harvey as easily as in those of Bernard, of Budge, of Ludwig, and of Brown- Sequard. But easy though it would have been to perform, I am bold to say it was well for