upon a single disciform patch upon the commencing colon, and, finally and chiefly, upon and all around the walls of the colossal vermiform appendix of the rabbit. In this latter
place it is but what the Germans call, and have called (Frey, Das Mikroskop und die microskopische Technik, 4th ed. 187 1, p. 255), a Kinderspiel, to insert the point of the fine Einstichung syringe charged with the soluble blue injection just beneath the peritoneal coat at the caecal end or elsewhere, when, upon pressing the piston, a reticulation of blue will spread itself over the surface of the tube, enclosing as islands the solid substance of the Peyerian follicles. It needs but a little perseverance in the way of gentle pressure to cause superficial tubular lymphatics to arise into view, and to declare their true character by their contrast with and distinctness from the blood-vessels, as well as by their moniliform character speaking of their richness in internally placed valves. Passing over the convex walls of the appendix, they join larger trunks which run along its mesenteric border; these larger trunks in their turn enter the mesenteric