many people do; but he was wide awake all the time, and heard and understood everything very well.
Then she asked: ‘One slew none—what is that?’ and he answered: ‘A raven which fed on the carcase of a poisoned horse.’
She went on: ‘And yet killed twelve—what is that?’ ‘Those are twelve murderers who ate the raven and died of it.’
As soon as she knew the riddle she tried to slip away, but he held her mantle so tightly that she was obliged to leave it behind.
Next morning the Princess announced that she had guessed the riddle, and sent for the twelve judges, before whom she declared it. But the young man begged to be heard, too, and said: ‘She came by night to question me, otherwise she never could have guessed it.’
The judges said: ‘Bring us some proof.’ So the servant brought out the three cloaks, and when the judges saw the grey one, which the Princess was in the habit of wearing, they said: ‘Let it be embroidered with gold and silver; it shall be your wedding mantle.’