BOOK I. 92-97
the sailors cried out in fear, "Wake, Saviour, and help us who are perishing." Then the Lord arose and bade the winds and waves be still, and it was so; and by the miracle those present understood His divine nature.
93.—In the same Church
As thou lookest on the image of the four lifegiving Virtues, stir thy mind to willing toil; for the labour of piety can draw us to a life that knows not old age.
94.—On the Death of the Holy Virgin
The disciples, their hearts uplifted by the divine command, came calling to each other in glittering robes to the house of the immaculate and blameless woman, some from the East, some from the West, others from the South, and others came from the North, seeking to inter the body of Her, the world's saviour.
95.—In Ephesus
To thee, O blessed one, from thee, I give the spoils thou gavest me in war.
96.—On a Sceptre
Worthy Amantius obtained this dignity, because he was faithful to the Emperor and delighted Christ by his fear of God.
97.—In Melite
I am the celebrated temple of the Emperor Justin. The Consul Tiieodorus, the strong, thrice a Prefect, dedicated me to the l^nperor and his son Justinian, the general of the whole army.