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thrown at, 649; brought down from the clouds by shots and smoke, 649-50; thought to keep their strength in their hair, 680-81; tortured in India, 681; animal familiars of, 684
Witchetty grubs, 17
Wives, taboos observed by, 21-5
Wizards, 43; Finnish, 81; capture human souls, 187, 188; thought to keep their strength in their hair, 680-81; animal familiars of, 683, 684
Wolf, track of, in contagious magic, 44; corn-spirit as, 448; last sheaf at harvest called, 449, 450; beast-god of Lycopolis in Egypt, 500; ceremonies at killing a, 520, 521; the Green, 628, 652, 664
Wolf society among the Nootka Indians, rite of initiation into, 699
Women, taboos observed by, 20, 25, 26; dances of, 26-8, 64; employed to sow fields on the principle of homoeopathic magic, 28; plough as a rain-charm, 70; worshipped by ancient Germans, 97; married to gods, 142-5; tabooed at menstruation and childbirth, 207-10, 603; not allowed to mention husbands’ names. 249; influence of corn-spirit on, 410; thought to have no soul, 497; ceremonies performed by, to rid fields of vermin, 531; put to death in the character of goddesses in Mexico, 589; impregnated by the sun, 603; dread of menstruous, 603
——, barren, charms to procure offspring, 14; sterilising influence ascribed to, 29, 137; thought to conceive through eating nuts of a palm-tree, 119; fertilised by trees, 119, 120; thought to blight the fruits of the earth, 137; fertilised by being struck with a certain stick, 581
——, pregnant, forbidden to spin or twist ropes, 21; not to loiter in the doorways where there are, 22; employed to fertilise crops and fruit-trees, 28
Wonghi tribe of New South Wales, 692
Wood, King of the, at Nemi, 1, 3, 8, 106, 140, 147, 163, 164, 167, 269, 296, 300, 301, 586, 593, 703, 710
Wood-spirits in goat form, 465
Woodmen, ceremonies observed by, at felling trees, 112, 113
Words, tabooed, 244-62; savages take a materialistic view of, 247
World, as regarded by early man, 91
Wotjobaluk tribe in Victoria, 43, 687
Wotyaks, the, of Russia, 143, 559
Wound and weapon, contagious magic of, 41-3
Wrach (Hag), name given to last corn cut in Wales, 403, 404
Wren, hunting the, 536-7
Wünsch, R., 344
Würtemberg, bushes set up on Palm Sunday in, 125; the thresher of the last corn at Tettnang in, 456; effigy of goat at Ellwangen in, 456; leaf-clad mummer at Midsummer in, 653
Wurunjeri tribe of Victoria, 183

Xerxes in Thessaly, 290
Xnumayo tribe of Zulus, 257

Yabim tribe of New Guinea, 213, 597, 694
Yakut shamans and their external souls, 683
Yakuts, 80
Yams, feast of, 200; ceremony at eating the new, 483
Yap, one of the Caroline Islands, 598
Yarilo, the, funeral of, celebrated in Russia, 318
Year, the fixed Alexandrian, 373; the Caffre, 483; the Egyptian, a vague year, 368; the old Roman, 577; the Slavonic, 577
Years, cycle of eight, in ancient Greece, 279; the King of the, in Tibet, 573, 574
Yellow colour in magic, 15
Yezo or Yesso, Japanese island, the Ainos of, 505, 507
Ynglingar family, 155
Yorkshire, “burning the Old Witch” in, 429; clergyman cuts the first corn in, 481
Yorubas of West Africa, 230, 256, 273, 570
Youths and maidens, tribute of, sent to Minos, 280
Yuin tribe of New South Wales, 191
Yuki Indians of California, 27
Yukon River, the Lower, the Esquimaux of, 193
Yule Boar, 461-2, 478; log, 636-8, 641, 643, 646
Yuracares of Eastern Bolivia, 601

Zafimanelo, the, of Madagascar, 198
Zagmuk, Babylonian festival, 281
Zagreus, a form of Dionysus, 388
Zaparo Indians of Ecuador, 495
Zapotecs of Central America, 687; the pontiff of the, 170, 593, 595
Zara-mama, Maize Mother, 413
Zemis of Assam, 248
Zeus, rain made by, 71; the priest of, makes rain by an oak branch, 77; mimicked by King Salmoneus, 77; marriage with Demeter at Eleusis, 142; and Hera, 143, 159; and Dione, 151, 165; as god of the oak, the rain, and the thunder, 159; his oracular oak at Dodona, 159; prayed to for rain, 159; Greek kings called, 159; surnamed Thunderbolt, 159; his resemblance to Donar, Thor, Perun, and Perkunas, 160-61; the grave of, 265; his oracular cave on Mount Ida, 280; his intrigue with Persephone, 388; said to have transferred the sceptre to young Dionysus, 388; father of Dionysus by Demeter, 389; his appearance to Hercules in the shape of a ram, 500; and Danae, 602
Zeus, the Descender, places struck by lightning consecrated to, 159; Heavenly, at Sparta, 9; Lacedaemon, at Sparta, 9; Laphystian, 290-92; Lightning, sacrificial hearth of, 159; Polieus in Cos, 466
Zimbas, or Muzimbas, of South-east Africa, 97
Zoganes, temporary king at Babylon, put to death after a reign of five days, 282
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