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Tyrol, the, witches in, 234; disposal of loose hair in, 237; wedding-ring as amulet in, 243; customs at threshing in, 429; the last thresher in, 449, 456; “burning out the witches” in, 560, 622; Lenten fires in, 612; Midsummer fires in, 625; fern-seed in, 705

Ualaroi, the, of the Darling River, 692
Uap, island of, taboos observed by fishermen in, 218
Uea, one of the Loyalty Islands, 185
Uganda, 208; priest inspired by tobacco smoke in, 95; taboos observed by father of twins in, 227; king’s brothers burnt in, 286; human scapegoats in, 543, 565; king of, 543, 565. 593
Ukraine, ceremony to fertilise the fields on St. George’s Day in the, 137
Uliase, East Indian island, 191, 196
Ulster, taboos observed by the ancient kings of, 173
Umbrians, ordeal of battle among the, 158
Unconquered Sun, Mithra identified with the, 358
Universal healer, mistletoe called, 659
Unmatjera tribe of Central Australia, 693
Unreason, Abbot of, 586
Upsala, sacred grove at, 110; festival at, 279; sacrifice of king’s sons at, 290; human sacrifices at, 354
Upulero, the spirit of the sun, 14
Ur, the fourth dynasty of, 104
Urua, divinity claimed by the chief of, 98

Valerius Soranus, 262
Vampyres, need-fire kindled as a safeguard against, 641, 649
Vancouver Island, 599
Vedijovis, she-goat sacrificed to, 392
Vegetable and animal life associated in the primitive mind, 325
Vegetation, homoeopathic influence of persons on, 29; spirit of, 124, 125, 127-129, 131; influence of the sexes on, 135-139; men and women masquerading as the spirits of, 140; marriage of the powers of, 146; death and revival of the spirit of, 300, 315, 318-19; perhaps generalised from a tree-spirit, 315-16, 339; growth and decay of, 324, 385; decay and revival of, in the rites of Adonis, 337; gardens of Adonis charms to promote the growth of, 341, 342; Attis as a god of, 352; Osiris as a god of, 381, 385; decay and growth of, conceived as the death and resurrection of gods, 385; ancient deities of, as animals, 464-79; Mars a deity of, 578; spirit of, burnt in effigy, 651; reasons for burning a deity of, 651; leaf-clad representative of the spirit of, burnt, 652; view that victims of the Druids represented spirits of, 658
“Veins of the Nile,” 371
Veleda, a deified woman, 97
Vendée, custom of threshing in, 406
Venison, ill effect of eating, 496
Venus (Aphrodite) and Adonis, 5, 7, 8
Venus, the planet, identified with Astarte, 346, 370
Vermin, from hair returned to their owner, 236; propitiated by farmers, 530; exorcised with torches, 647
Verres, Roman governor, 397
Vervain, 17, 623, 624
Vesta, temple of, 3, 704; perpetual fire of, 3, 665
Vestal fire, 3; at Nemi, 163, 164
—— Virgins, 3, 153, 235, 478, 493
Vestals, 4, 145
Victoria, Queen, worshipped in Orissa, 100
Victoria, aborigines of, 45, 252; sex totems in, 688
Victoria Nyanza, Lake, 87
Vine, the cultivation of, introduced by Osiris, 362, 380; in relation to Dionysus, 386
Vintage song, Phoenician, 425, 442
Violets sprung from the blood of Attis, 348
Virbius, 4, 5, 8, 141, 163, 164, 301, 476, 707
Virgin, the Heavenly, mother of the Sun, 358
Virgin Mary and Isis, 383
—— mothers, tales of, 347
Virgins, sacrifice of, 146, 370
Vitu Levu, Fijian island, 695
Vitzilipuztli, a great Mexican god, 488
Voigtland, locks unlocked at childbirth in, 239; bonfires on Walpurgis Night in, 622
Volga, sacred groves among the tribes of the, 111
Vomiting, homoeopathic cure for, 16; as a religious rite, 485
Vosges, the, disposal of cut hair and nails in, 236; harvest customs in, 449; Midsummer fires in, 629, 645; cats burnt alive on Shrove Tuesday in, 656
Vosges Mountains, the, May customs in, 121; “catching the cat” in, 453
Voyages, telepathy in, 24

Wadai, Sultan of, 200, 273
Wageia of East Africa, 215
Wagogo of East Africa, 23. 72, 85, 495
Wagtail, the yellow, in magic, 15, 16
Waizganthos, an old Prussian god, 288
Wajagga of East Africa, 237
Wakanda, a spirit, 216
Wakelbura of Australia, 180, 603
Wakondyo of Central Africa, 76
Walber, the, 126, 127
Waldemar I., King of Denmark, 89
Wales, belief as to death at ebb tide in, 35; harvest customs in, 403; falling sickness transferred to fowls in, 545; Beltane fires in, 620; Midsummer fires in, 630, 646; Hallowe’en fires in, 635; mistletoe in, 661. 663
Walhalla, mistletoe growing east of, 608
Wallachia, crown of last ears of corn worn by girl at harvest in, 341
Walos of Senegambia, 660
Walpurgis Day in Upper Franken, 616
—— Night, witches abroad on, 560. 622; annual expulsion of witches on, 561
Wambugwe of East Africa, 72, 84
Wandorobbo of East Africa, 219
Wanika of East Africa, 112
War, telepathy in, 25-7; rules of ceremonial purity observed in, 210; continence in, 210-12
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