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Gentleman's Magazine (The)

for 1890.— Is. Monthly.— In addition to the Articles upon subjects in Litera- ture, Science, and Art, for which this Magazine has so high a reputation, "Table Talk" by Sylvanus Urban appears monthly. V* Bound Volumes for recent years are

kept in stock, cloth extra, price 83. 6d.

each ; Cases for binding, 2s. each.

Gentleman's Annual (The).

Published Annually in November. In picture cover, demy 8vo, Is.

German Popular Stories. Col- lected by the Brothers Grimm, and Translated by Edgar Taylor. Edited, with an Introduction, by John Ruskin. With 22 Illustrations oh Steel by George Cruikshank. Square 8vo, cloth extra, 6s. 6d. ; gilt edges, 7s. 6d.

Gibbon (Charles), Novels by:

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 3s. 6d. each; post 8vo, illustrated boards, 2s. each. Robin Gray. What will the

World Say? Queen of the

Meadow. The Flower of the


The Braes of Yar- row.

A Heart's Prob- lem.


Of High Degree.

Loving a Dream.

In Honour Bound.

Post 8vo, illustrated boards, 2s. each. The Dead Heart. For Lack of Gold. For the King. | InPasturesGreen. In Love and War. By Mead and Stream. A Hard Knot. | Heart's Delight. Blood-Money.

Gilbert (William), Novels by:

Post 8vo, illustrated boards, 2s. each. Dr. Austin's Guests. The Wizard of the Mountain. James Duke, Costermonger.

Gilbert (W. S.), Original Plays

by: In Two Series, each complete in itself, price 2s. 6d. each.

The First Series contains — The Wicked World — Pygmalion and Ga- latea — Charity — The Princess — The Palace of Truth— Trial by Jury.

The Second Series contains— Bro- ken Hearts— Engaged— Sweethearts— Gretchen — Dan'i Druce — Tom Cobb — H.M.S. Pinafore— The Sorcerer— The Pirates of Penzance.

Gilbert (W. S.), continued- Eight Original Comic Operas. Writ- ten by W. S. Gilbert. Containing: The Sorcerer— H.M.S. "Pinafore" — The Pirates of Penzance— Iolanthe — Patience — Princess Ida — The Mikado — Trial by Jury. Demy 8vo, cloth limp, 2s. 6d.

Glenny. — A Year's Work in

Garden and Greenhouse: Practical Advice to Amateur Gardeners as to the Management of the Flower, Fruit, and Frame Garden. By George Glenny. Post 8vo, Is.; cloth, Is. 6d.

Godwin.— Lives of the Necro- mancers. By William Godwin. Post 8vo, limp, 2s.

Golden Library, The:

Square i6mo(Tauchnitz size), cloth limp, 2s. per Volume.

Bayard Taylor's Diversions of the Echo Club.

Bennett's (Dr. W. C.) Ballad History of England.

Bennett's (Dr.) Songs for Sailors.

Godwin's (William) Lives of the Necromancers.

Holmes's Autocrat of the Break- fast Table. Introduction by Sala.

Holmes's Professor at the Break- fast Table.

Hood's Whims and Oddities. Com- plete. All the original Illustrations.

Jesse's (Edward) Scenes and Oc- cupations of a Country Life.

Leigh Hunt's Essays: A Tale for a Chimney Corner, and other Pieces. With Portrait, and an Introduction by Edmund Ollier.

Mallory's (Sir Thomas) Mort d'Arthur: The Stories of King Arthur and of the Knights of the Round Table. Edited by B. Mont- gomery Ranking.

Pascal's Provincial Letters. A New Translation, with Historical Intro- ductionand Notes byT.M'CRiE.D.D,

Pope's Poetical Works.

Rochefoucauld's Maxims and Moral Reflections. With Notes, and In- troductory Essay by Sainte-Beu ve.

Golden Treasury of Thought,

The: An Encyclopaedia of Quota- tions from Writers of all Times and Countries. Selected and Edited by Theodore Taylor. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt and gilt edges, 78. 6d.

Gowing. — Five Thousand

Miles in a Sledge: A Mid-winter Journey Across Siberia. By Lionel F. Gowing. With a Map by E. Wkl- LER,and30 Illustrations by C.J. Uken, Large crown 8vo, cloth extra, 8s.

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