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Faraday (Michael), Works by:

Post 8vo, cloth extra, 4s. 6d. each. The Chemical History of a Candle:

Lectures delivered before a Juvenile Audience at the Royal Institution. Edited by William Crookes, F.C.S. With numerous Illustrations. On the Various Forces of Nature, and their Relations to each other : Lectures delivered before a Juvenile Audience at the Royal Institution. Edited by William Crookes, F.C.S. With numerous Illust rations.

Fin-Bee. — The Cupboard

Papers : Observations on the Art of Living and Dining. By Fin-Bec. Post 8vo , cloth limp, 2s. 6d.

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of Making; or, The Pyrotechnist's Treasury. By Thomas Kentish. With 267 Illustrations. A New Edition, Re- vised throughout and greatly Enlarged. Crown 8vo, cloth extr a, 5s.

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The World Behind the Scenes. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 3s. 6d.

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A Day's Tour: A Journey through France and Belgium. With Sketches in facsimile of the Original Draw- ings. Crown 4to picture cover, Is.

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plete Poems : Christ's Victorie in Heaven, Christ's Victorie on Earth, Christ's Triumph over Death, and Minor Poems. With Memorial-Intro- duction and Notes by the Rev. A. B. Grosart, P.P. Cr. 8vo, cloth bds., 6s.

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Olympia. Post 8vo, illust. boards, 23.

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Garrett.— The Capel Girls: A

Novel. By Edward Garrett. Cr. 8vo, cl. ex., 3g. Qd. ; pos{ 8vp, illust, bds., 2s.,

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