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Besant (Walter), continued—

For Faith and Freedom. With Illustrations by A. Forestier and F. Waddy. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 3s. 6d.

To Call her Mine, &c. With Nine Illustrations by A. Forestier. Cr. 8vo, cloth extra, 6s.

The Holy Rose, &c. With a Front- ispiece by F. Barnard. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 6s. [Shortly.

The Bell of St. Paul's. Three Vols., crown 8vo.

Fifty Years Ago. With 137 full-page Plates and Woodcuts. Demy 8vo, cloth extra, 16s.

The Eulogy of Richard Jefferies. With Photograph Portrait. Second Edition. Cr. 8vo, cloth extra, 6s.

The Art of Fiction. Demy 8vo, Is.

New Library Edition of

Besant and Rice's Novels.

The whole 12 Volumes, printed from new type on a large crown 8z/o page, and handsomely bound in cloth, are now ready, price Six Shillings each.

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Portrait of Walter Besant.

6. The Monks of Thelema.

7. By Celia's Arbour.

8. The Chaplain of the Fleet.

9. The Seamy Side.

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12. The Ten Years' Tenant, &c.

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cloth extra, 3s. 64. ; post 8vo, illust.

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