He examined her with his glass, steadying it as well as he could by leaning it across the rail, as his hand was very shaky. After a short inspection, a look of astonishment, followed by one of resignation, stole over his features.
"I've got them again, Mac," he remarked to the mate.
"Got what, sir?"
"The diddleums, the jumps, the visions. It's the change of air as has done it."
"You look all right," remarked the mate in a sympathetic voice.
"So I may; but I've got 'em. It's usually rats—rats, and sometimes cockroaches; but it's worse than that this time. As I'm a livin' man, I looked through the glass at that fishing-boat astern of us, and I saw young Muster Ezra Girdlestone in it, and the old boss standin' up wi' a yachtin'-cap at the side of his head and waving a towel. This is the smartest bout that ever I have had. I'll take some of the medicine left from my last touch and I'll turn in." He vanished down the companion, and having taken a strong dose of bromide of potassium, tumbled into his bunk, cursing loudly at his ill luck.
The astonishment of McPherson upon deck was as great as that of Captain Miggs, when, on looking through the glass, he ascertained beyond all doubt that both of his employers were in the fishing-boat. He at once ordered the mainyard to be hauled back and awaited their arrival. In a few minutes the boat was alongside, a ladder thrown down, and the two Girdlestones were on the deck of their own ship.
"Where's the captain?" asked the head of the firm.
"He's below, sir. He's no very salubrious." The mate's love of long words rose superior to any personal emotion.
"You can square the yard," said Ezra. "We are going with you."
"Ay, ay, sir. Square away that yard there!" It swung round into position, and the Black Eagle resumed her voyage.
"There is some business to be looked after in Spain," Girdlestone remarked to McPherson. "It came up suddenly,