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The Federalist.

executed ; the delinquencies of the states have, step by

step, matured themselves to an extreme, which has at length arrested all the wheels of the national government, and brought them to an awful stand. Congress at this time scarcely possess the means of keeping up the forms of administration, till the states can have time to agree upon a more substantial substitute for the present shadow of a federal government. Things did not come to this desperate extremity at once. The causes which have been specified, produced at first only unequal and dispro- portionate degrees of compliance with the requisitions of the union. The greater deficiencies of some states fur- nished the pretext of example, and the temptation of interest to the complying, or at least delinquent states. Why should we do more in proportion than those who are embarked with us in the same political voyage ? Why should we consent to bear more than our proper share of the common burthen ? These were suggestions which human selfishness could not withstand, and which even speculative men, who looked forward to remote consequences, could not without hesitation combat. Each state, yielding to the persuasive voice of immediate inte- rest or convenience, has successively withdrawn its sup- port, till the frail and tottering edifice seems ready to fall upon our heads, and to crush us beneath its ruins.



TAe same Subject continued , in relation to the same] ■ Princij)les.

THE tendency of the principle of legislation for states or communities in their political capacities, as it has been exemplified by the experiment we have made of it, is equally attested by the events which have befal- len all other governments of the confederate kind, of ! which we have any account, in exact proportion to its

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