wards it became evident that Andronicos was playing for his own hand, lie lost no occasion of bringing charges against the empress. The mob clamored for her banishment. But the forms of law were still too powerful in the city of Justinian to be lightly set aside. The judges were sounded. Three of them answered that, before replying, they must know whether they were asked to give an opinion on a question which would afterwards come before them judicially. Andronicos endeav- ored to arrest these judges, and the mob joined in an attack upon them and tore their robes from their backs. The judges, however, escaped. Shortly afterwards, Andronicos having found more pliable instruments, a charge was brought against the empress of having urged Bela of Hungary, her brother- in-law, to take possession of Branitzova and Belgrade. She was arrested and treated with the utmost ignominy in prison. Andronicos again took the opinion of the judges upon a case stated, and, having made certain that it should be favorable to his wishes, he had her condemnation pronounced, and com- pelled the boy emperor to sign his own mother's death-warrant. Two near relatives were charged with her execution, but refused the task. Andronicos, however, found others ready to carry out his orders, and another victim was added to those whom he had slain. While the empress was in prison a conspiracy, headed by several nobles, had been formed against Andronicos. Upon its discovery some of the leaders escaped. Others, however, were arrested. Contostephanos and his four sons and a liost of others were blinded, while others again were exiled. Andronicos now took bolder measures. His partisans had everything to gain by advancing his interests, and Andronicos is , , , , "^ , , ^ . „,, crowned em- lie had uot vct lost the DODular voice. The cry pcror was raised wherever he appeared of " Long life to Alexis and Andronicos." A demonstration was made in front of the palace at Blachern when the nominal and the real rul- ers, respectively, were present, and the young emperor went through the form of requesting Andronicos to share the im- perial throne. The request was no sooner made than some of the partisans of the elder carried him to the throne, while 6