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INDEX. Asia Minor, 27, 28 ; divide their em- pire between Malelc and Suliman, 30 ; settle iu Asia Minor, 33 ; obtain pos- session of ^'icasa, 34; reach the Mar- mora, 34 ; their successes attract tlie attention of Pope Gregory YII., 35 ; their struggles with the Crusaders, 37, 44 ; renewal of their numbers after defeat, 41 ; defeat the Emperor Man- uel, 46, 66 ; make a further division of their empire, 49 ; effects of their invasion on the condition of the em- pire, 50 ; their wars with Alexis III., 110; their sultans often the sons of Christian slaves, 112 oiote ; stupendous character of their conflict with the empire, 177. UzES, the, a Turkish people, 57, 409. Varangians, see Warings. Vaux, Abbot of, forbids the attack upon Zara, 261. Venice, reproduction of Byzantine life in, 11; helps the empire against Rob- ert Wiscard, 138, 166; commerce of, with the empire, 165 ; Venetians make common cause with the empire, 166; extraordinary commercial privilege granted them by Alexis I., 167; ex- pelled by John Comnenos, 167; policy of Manuel I. towards them, 168; jeal- ous of other Latin colonists, 172; makes war against the empire, 172; growth of her hostility to Constanti- nople, 174, 239 ; chosen as the port of departure of the fourth crusade, 237 ; her contract with the Crusaders, 240 ; the Crusaders in, 247 ; propose the at- tack of Zara, 250 ; joins the crusade, 257 , concludes a treaty with Egypt, 269 ; excommunicated by Innocent III, 291; her fleet attacks Constan- tinople, 312; charged with taking an undue share of spoil, 368 ; purchases the rights of Boniface, 400 ; her gains by the conquest of Constantinople, 404. Vermilion, the imperial color, 337 note. Villehardouin, his account of the fourth crusade, 248-250 ; his interview with Isaac II., 321. Wallaces, the, 59 ; their successes against the empire, 60, 94 ; establish with the Bulgarians a Wallachio-Bul- garian state, 61 ; revolt against Isaac II., 93, 99 ; give trouble to Alexis III., 106, 107. Warings or Varangians, connection of, with England, 153 ; successive treaties made with them by the empire, 154; furnish a body-guard for the emperor, 157; their weapon, 157; their respect for women, 158, 159; fidelity of the guard, 160. William I. of Sicily, his war against the empire, 138. William II. of Sicily makes war on the empire, 139. William of Tyre, his account of the Turks, 16 note; preaches the third Crusade, 126. Wiscard, Robert, attacks the empire, 34, 137, 166. Woman, social position of, in Constan- tinople, 207. Zara, attack of, proposed by the Vene- tians to the Crusaders, 250 ; offer of its citizens to surrender Avithdrawn, 261 ; captured, 262 ; explanations of the ex- pedition to, given by contemporary writers, 266 ; destroyed by the Vene- tians, 297 ; convention of, submitted to the crusading army, 298. Zemiskes, John, defeats Swendoslav, 155. THE END.

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