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INDEX. Mahsoud, Sultan of Iconium, victories of, 45. Mahsud, Sultan of Angora, reduces Da- dybra, 110. Malek-Adel, Sultan of Egypt, effects a treaty with Venice, 269. Malek Shah, son of Alparslan, reign of, 29. Malek Shah (Saison), Sultan of Iconium, defeated by Alexis I., 42. Mankaphas, Theodore, revolt of, 100. Manuel I., accession of, 44 ; brings Kil- idji Arslan to Constantinople, 45 ; de- feated by the Turks, 46, 66; unpopu- lar -with his subjects, 65 ; iiis Latin tendencies, 65, 66 ; neglects the main- tenance of the fleet, 66 ; his successes in war, 67 ; how he succeeded to the crown, TO ; quarrel between him and his cousin Andronicos, 71 ; his rela- tions with Kilidji Arslan resented by the Crusaders, 124 ; his policy towards the Latin colonists, 168 ; his palace of Blachern, 186. Manuel, son of Andronicos I., frustrates a cruel sentence of liis father, 86. Manzikert, defeat of Togrul at, 26; cap- tured by Alparslan, 27. Maria, widow of Manuel I., assumes the regency, 68 ; brought to trial and ex- ecuted, 81. Maria Porphyrogenita, unsuccessful plot of, against the protosebastos Alexis, 68 ; fight of her partisans in her de- fence, 69 ; poisoned by Andronicos Comnenos, 79. Martin, Abbot, theft of relics by, 365, Meander, Turks defeated by King Con- rad on the, 41. Mercenaries, employment of, 217, 218. Michael VIL makes a suicidal treaty with Suliman, Sultan of Iconium, 33. Michael, a pretender, 109. Mogul, the term, 15 note. Montferrat family, its connection with the East, 278. Montfort, Simon de, sympathizes with the Zara deputation, 261 ; refuses to accom- pany the Crusaders to Constantinople, 290'. Morosini, Thomas, elected Patriarch of the Eastern Church, 392. Mosynopolis, 399 7iote. Mourtzouphlos (Alexis V. Ducas), 335 ; entraps Alexis IV. into his power, 337 ; crowned emperor, 337 ; his prepara- tions for defending the city, 338 ; his rencontre with a foraging party of Cru- saders, 340 ; narrowly escapes capture, 342 ; flees from the city before the Crusaders, 352; captured and execu- ted by the Latins, 403. Navy, neglect of the, 178, 179, 216. Nicaea captured by the Seljukian Turks, 34 ; siege of, by Godfrey de Bouillon, £8 ; taken possession of by Alexis, 39 ; reconquered by the Turks, 42 ; besieged by Andronicos I., 82. Nicephorus III., 33, Nicetas accompanies Isaac II. on an ex- pedition against the Wallachians and Bulgarians, 99; tone of his annals, 225 ; denounces the crimes committed by the Crusaders, 355 ; his escape with his family, 357, 358 ; Greek of, 397 note. Xivelon, Bishop, declares Baldwin elected emperor, 385. Olaf, freebooting expedition of, against Constantinople, 154. Osmanli, the term, 14 7ioie. Palestine conquered by Saladin, 47. Patchinaks, the, 57 ; their attacks on the empire, 58 ; invade Macedonia, 107. Peasantry, destruction of the, 216. Pera, confusion of, with Galata, 326 tiote. Peter Capuano, Cardinal, protests against the attack of Zara, 255 ; advocates the cause of Alexis IV. with Innocent III,, 283 ; rebuked by the pope, 394. Petrion, the, 192,341 note. Philip of Swabia married to the daughter of Isaac II., 245 ; his reasons for sup- porting the cause of Alexis IV., 276 ; assumes a leading part in the direction of the crusade, 284 ; his proposals sub- mitted to a parliament of Crusaders at Zara, 286 ; was he proposed as Em- peror of the New Rome ? 382. Philippa, daughter of Raymond of An- tioch, enamoured of Andronicos Com- nenos, 74. Philomeliura, capture of, by Alexis I., 42. Pisan colonists, 168; attacked by the Constantinople mob, 326. Protosebastos, the title, 102 Jioie. Rayah, signification of, 31 note. Relics, wealth of Constantinople in, 193 ;

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