Alexis, natural son of Manuel I., blinded by Andronicos I., 85. Alexis, nephew of Manuel I., blinded by Isaac Angelos, 92. Alexis, pretenders, 101, 102, 106. Alexis Contosteplianos, a pretender, 105. Alexis, protosebastos, shares the govern- ment with tlie Empress Maria, C8 ; plot to assassinate him, 68 ; deprived of his sight by Andronicos Comnenos, '78. Alexis I. defeats Suliman and Wiscard, 36. Alexis II., accession of, 68; betrothed to the daughter of Andronicos, 80; crowned a second time, 80; put to death by Andronicos, 82. Alexis lit. deposes his brother Isaac, 104; assumes the throne and takes the name of Comnenos, 105; his trou- bles with the WaUachs, 106, 107; with tlie Patchinaks, 107 ; with the Comans, 107; with the Bulgarians, 107; pre- tenders to his throne, 109 ; his wars with the Turks, 110, 111 ; demoraliza- tion of the empire during his reign, 113; alleged to have been in league with a pirate, 114; buys peace from Henry the Sixth's Crusaders, 134 ; peti- tions Innocent III., 284 ; sends a dep- utation to Boniface's Crusaders, 305; his character, 317; flees from Con- stantinople, 318 ; captured by the Lat- ins, 403. Alexis IV. escapes from Alexis III., 274 ; appeals for help to his brother-in-law, Philip of Swabia, 275 ; visits Kome, 280 ; sends an embassy to Venice, 282 ; his restoration agreed to at Zara, 287- 289; joins the Crusaders, 297 ; ratifies the convention of Zara, 298 ; shown to the citizens of Constantinople, 306 ; his contract with the Crusaders, 321 ; associated with his father on the throne, 322 ; his difficulty in paying the money promised to the expedition, 322, 330 ; excites popular hatred, 324 ; leaves with Boniface for Adrianople, 325; falls into contempt, 329; asks Boniface for a household guard, 336 ; made prisoner by Mourtzouphlos, 337. Alexis v., see Mourtzouphlos. Alparslan, conquests of, in Georgia and Armenia, 27 ; invades Asia Minor, 27, 28. Andronicos I. makes a treaty of alliance with Saladin, 47, 142; character of, 71,211; amour with his cousin Eudocia, 72 ; escapes from prison, 72 ; refuses to recognize Manuel's nomination to the succession, 73 ; escapes from the Empire, 74; amour with Queen Theo- dora, 74 ; assists the Turks to plunder the empire, 75 ; returns to Constanti- nople, and is pardoned, 75 ; intrigues for the throne, 76 ; deprives the proto- sebastos Alexis of his eyesight, 78 ; makes himself master of the capital, 78 ; his cruelties towards his oppo- nents, 79, 85; determines to marry Alexis II. to his daughter Irene, 80; has the ex-empress tried and executed, 81; crowned emperor, 82; murders Alexis II., 82 ; lays siege to Xica^a, 82 ; attacks Broussa, S3 ; murders the sure- ties of his nephew Isaac, 84 ; public feeling turns against him, 84 ; his re- forms, 85 ; revolt against him, 87 ; offers to abdicate, 88 ; his flight and capture, 90; outraged and killed by the populace, 90, 91. Andronicos, a pretender, 101. Anema, Tower of, 90. Ani, capture of, 27. Antioch captured by the Crusaders, 40. Armenia attacked by Togrul, 26 ; con- quered by Alparslan, 27. Armenians in Constantinople, 146; Jus- tinian's " capitulation " to, 148 note.