grievance remained.* No other pretence is alleged by any Doubtful writer. The great chance of making payment im- meS?warae- possiblc was to iusist upon its being made at once, sired. rpj^^ emperors were doing tlieir utmost, and Isaac bad scandalized the Greeks by selling church ornaments to raise money.' The revolution within the city might result in the substitution of a strong man in lieu of the two feeble occupants of the throne. In such case, not merely would the great conspiracy of Philip and Boniface fail, but payment it- self might be altogether lost, or terms might be offered to the Crusaders which the malcontents would have sufficient influence with the army to cause to be accepted. Whether payment were made or the latter alternative adopted, the in- vaders would have no pretence to remain longer before the city. There were, therefore, many reasons, some of which weighed with the army, while others had especial influence with Boniface, in favor of demanding immediate payment and of precipitating a struggle. The barons, therefore, held a parliament, at which Dandolo APtrn-gieis "^^as prescut, and determined to send a deputation precipitated. ^^ ^^iQ empcror, in order to bid him pay or to pub- licly insult him by defying him to battle. The Venetians and the barons each chose three of their number for this bold mission. xmong the latter was Yillehardouin himself. The six rode round the harbor to the palace of Blachern girded with their swords. The marshal points out that they adventured much and went in great peril on this enterprise. They descended at the palace gate, and were admitted into the imperial chamber. The emperors, seated on their re- spective thrones, side by side, together with the empress, Isaac's wife, and a large assembly of nobles, received them. The messengers reminded the emperors of their oaths. *'"Ve come," said Conon de Bethune, addressing apparently only Alexis, " to summon you in the presence of your barons to ^ This reason is assigned in Villehardouin, Guntlier, tlic " Halberstadt Chron." and Rostangnus. 2 Nicetas and '• Chron. Novgorod."