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FLIGHT OF THE EMPEROR ALEXIS AND RESTORATION OF ISAAC. REVOLUTION IN THE CITY. The most useful ally of the invaders was the spirit of in- difference and discontent which reigned within the city. "While this spirit paralyzed the efforts of tlie defenders, there was probably also a small but active, although secret, party in favor of Isaac and of young Alexis. The latter had made many promises to his friends within the city, and had urged them to assist him.^ The dissatisfaction with the ruling emperor was great, and was doubtless increased by this party. The enemy Feelinjr with- . , ^ i , ^ i i / • /• .1 • in coustanti- witliout had Hot asKcd lor possession 01 the city. There was nothing said even about an occupation. All that was demanded was that a young prince, who undoubt- edly had claims to the throne if his father were dead, should replace Alexis the Third. There was indeed a payment to be made, thoui^h it is doubtful whether the terms of the conven- tion with Alexis were at this time known within the city, and, even if they were, the payment might perhaps be avoided, or at least levied on the provinces. At any rate, it was better to come to an arrangement with the enemy when his demands were so reasonable than to fight.^ Moreover, there was now a distinct threat that if an arrangement were not made the ' Gunther, xiii. : " Gives itaque magnificaj iirl^is, territi fiiga regis siw, quern etiam pleriquc nee prius propter scelcra pcrpetrata satis dilexerant, simiilqiie per iiuntios a jimiori Alexio promissis ac precibus frequcntibus attentati, nostris qiioque, contra spem suam, comminantibus excidiutn urbis, nisi ilium legitimum lieredcm rcgni in regem suscipcrent, patenti- bus portis, ilium cum toto exercitu infra mocnia pacifice admiserunt." ^ Nicetas says (p. 721) that the object of the assault was, wq ri ruiv Kara CKOTTov tTTiTEvKofisvot Tj TovT(DV ^laTT^aovTiQ tQ avfi^daeiQ (iXeyj/ovTec ' dfi^oTEpa yap rj ^fjiirj dnrra/xivrj XafiTrpuJg UujTiWev.

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