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lution if the expedition to which he had attached so iniicli im- portance, and from which lie hoped so much, were to have any chance of success. But, even in doing so, he did not spare his reproaches, lie admitted the excuse of necessity which tlie deputies had pleaded. But, reparation was necessary, and this could only be made by restoring the whole of the booty. He declared that the absolution given by the bishops was not valid. Cardinal Peter was instructed to receive their oaths to be obedient henceforward to the pope's orders, and Innocent again declared that it was only on such an oath being sworn and kept that the excommunication could be raised. Those who had offended must show their intention not again to in- vade a Christian country unless they were resisted, and must ask pardon from the King of Hungary for the wrong they had done him. The sole concession which the pope would grant was that, in case of need, the army might take provisions from the ter- ritory of the Greek emperor. Alexis was, however, to be re- quested to give permission.' At the end of March, Ni velon. Bishop of Soissons, left Eome, the bearer of this conditional absolution. Meantime Boniface and the leaders became anxious to ex- plain to the pope why they had concealed from the army his bull condemning their conduct. The messengers who had gone to Rome to ask for absolution would soon return, and ^ " NuUus itaque vestrum sibi temere blandiatur, quod terrain Graecomm occupare sibi liccat vol prredari, tanquam minus sit apostolicrc sedi sub- jecta, et quod . . . imperator Constantinopolitanus, deposito fratrc suo, et ctiam excajcato, imperium usurpavit. Sane, quantumcuuque in hoc vel aliis idem imperator et homines ejus jurisdictioni commissi, dclinquant non est tamen vestrum de ipsorum judicare delictis, nee ad hoc crucis signacuUim assumpsistis, ut banc vindicaretis injuriam, sed opprobrium potius crucifixi cujus vos obsequio specialiter dcputastis. Monemus igitur nobilitatem vestram . . . quatenus ncc dccipiatis vos ipsos, ncc ab aliis dccipi permittatis, ut, sub specie pictatis agatis ilia, quod absit! qua} redundent in vestrarum pcrnicicm animarum ... In Terra? Sancta; transeatis subsidium, et crucis injuriam vindicetis, accepturi de hostium spoliis qua? vos, si moram feceretis in partibus Romania), oporteret forsitan a fratribus cxtorquere." — " Epist." vi. 101.

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