been promised to Yenice could not be met. Tbe leaders were divided as to tbe course to be adopted for tbe conduct of tbe expedition. 'Nono among tbem possessed eitber position or ability sufficient to indicate bim as tbe leader. After con- siderable delay tbe leadersbip was offered to tbe Duke of Burgundy, and, on bis refusal, to Count Tbeobald of Bar, wbo also refused. Tben a parliament of tbe Crusaders met at Soissons, and Villebardouin proposed Boniface, onimiifaJe" Marquis of JVIontferrat. Tbe proposal was finally, Momfefrat as tbougli rcluctautly, acccptcd. From tbe first it was evident tbat Boniface bad not tbe confidence of tbe Crusaders, and bis election was tbe first severe blow given to tbe success of tbe expedition. Fulk bimself affixed tbe cross to tbe sboulders of Boniface in tbe Cburcb of Our Lady at Soissons, and, as tbe great preacber died in Ma}^, 1202, be dis- appears from tins bistory.' Tbe appointment of Boniface was in August, 1201. Two montbs later be was at tbe court of Pbilip of Swabia,^ on tbe invitation of tbat sovereign. Wliat was tbe object of bis visit may never be accurately known ; His visit to but subsequent events raise tbe presumption tbat Philip. Pbilip eitber bad tbe design of an attack upon Constantinople before tbis visit, or formed sucb a design at, and in consequence of, bis interview witb Boniface. Pbilip, tbe head of tbe bouse of tbe Waiblings, or, as tbe name was now beginning to be spelled in Italy, Gbibelins, bad married tbe daugbtei' of Isaac Angelos, tbe emperor of tbe New Eome, wbo was at tbis moment a prisoner in Constantinople, deprived of bis eyesigbt, tbougb allowed to go about tbe city of wbich be bad once been tbe ruler.' Tbe son of Isaac and beir to tbe tbrone — wbom we may conveniently call, after tbe fasbion of tbe time, young Alexis, to distinguisb bim from tbe reign- ing usurper Alexis in Constantinople — bad made bis escape* from tbe capital. He left tbe imperial city in tbe spring of 1201, arrived in Sicil}^ and sent messengers to Germany an- ^ Villelmrdouin, c. 9. '^ " Gcsta Inno. Ill/' c. 84. ^ Nicetas, p. 712. ^Oue author states that the wife of the Emperor Alexis pitied the young man, and gave him notice that her husband had determined to kill him. Anon. Caietanus, Exuv. Sac." p. 153.