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about the King were rauiſed with his wordes,

they did ſo pleaſe them. The King bade him ſtande vp, and willed him to tell the cauſe why he kept ſo long in thoſe fieldes, and what hee ment to braye and rore ſo terribly. The Bull tooke vpon him the oratores part, and ſtanding aſide from the beginning to the ende he tolde him the whole diſcourſe of his miſeries. So that the whole auditorie pitying his miſhaps became his friends. This Bull in his Oration, ſhewed him ſelfe to be a great Bacheler in Rethoricke, a great Maiſter in Arte in grauitie to expounde things and a marueylous high hill of eloquence. The King wondering at his yeares, commanded ſtreight ſtables ſhould be provided for his Lordſhip, and gaue him an infinite number of ſeruaunts to wayte upon him, making him Prince of Bulles. Dukes of Beefes, Marqueſſe of Calues, and Earle and Lorde great Maiſter of Kyne: and with a wonderfull great prouiſion he furniſhed hys rackes yearly, and made hym of his priuie counſell. After he had imployed him a while, hee knewe his worthineſſe and diſcretion: ſo that in the ende he made him Viceroy & greateſt Lorde of his Realme.

This Moile alſo that liued in Court in ſeruice of the Prince, more than a fewe good wordes,

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