ſeene by ſundrie examples happened like to
this following.
A tale of a Louer and a Gentilwoman.
There was in the citie where I dwelled, harde by my houſe, a fayre yong Gentilwoman nobly borne, the which was but euen in maner newly maried (at leaſt not long before) when this chaunce happened. This younge ſpouſe fell in loue with a proper Gentleman, fayre condicioned, well ſpoken, and of good entertainement: and fortune ſo fauoured hir, that ſhee ſweetly reaped the fruits of hir deſire at all times when ſhe liked to enioye it without let or annoy at all. But to preuent hir huſbandes ſodein comming home at times vnlooked for, this liuely yong wife deuiſed to worke a waye for her louers ſafetie, and the continuance of this ſecond (yea moſt bleſſed) ioye. She cauſed to be conueyed in a well ſhe had a proper vawte, which ſhould ſafely receyue hir yong louer leaping into the ſame, if he were by miſhap at any time diſtreſt with hir huſbandes foden comming vpon them. The huſband alſo much about that time called workemen to him, and in a corner of the houſe made