maid or two, she had to go on this hated journey. Old Burislav, at sight of her, blazed out into marriage-feast of supreme magnificence, and was charmed to see her ; but Thyri would not join the marriage party ; refused to eat with it or sit with it at all. Day after day, for six days, flatly refused ; and after nightfall of the sixth, glided out with her foster-brother into the woods, into by-paths and in- conceivable wanderings ; and, in effect, got home to Denmark. Brother Svein was not for the moment there; probably enough gone to England again. But Thyri knew too well he would not allow her to stay here, or anywhere that he could help, except with the old heathen she had just fled from. Thyri, looking round the world, saw no likely road for her, but to Olaf Tryggveson in Norway ; to beg protection from the most heroic man she knew of in the world. Olaf, except by renown, was not known to her ; but by renown he well was. Olaf, at sight of her, promised protection and asylum against all mortals. Nay, in discoursing with Thyri Olaf per- ceived more and more clearly what a fine handsome being, soul and body, Thyri was; and in a short