of Cliristiaiiity tlian universal murmur, rising into clangour and violent dissent, interrupted him, and Ironbeard took up the discourse in reply. Ironbeard did not break down ; on the contrary, he, with great brevity, emphasis, and clearness, signified " that the proposal to reject their old gods was in the highest degree unacceptable to this Thing ; that it was con- trary to bargain, withal ; so that if it were insisted on, they would have to fight with the king about it ; and in fact were now ready to do so." In reply to this, Olaf, without word uttered, but merely with some signal to the trusty armed men he had with him, rushed off to the temple close at hand ; burst into it, shutting the door behind him ; smashed Thor and Co. to destruction; then reappearing victorious, found much confusion outside, and, in particular, what was a most important item, the rugged Ironbeard done to death by Olaf *s men in the interim. Which entirely disheartened the Thing from fighting at that moment; having now no leader who dared to head them in so dangerous an enterprise. So that everyone departed to digest his rage in silence as he could. Matters having cooled for a week or two, there was